


共计 9708 个字符,预计需要花费 25 分钟才能阅读完成。

(1)PostgreSQL 提供大版本升级的一个工具,比如说从 9.1 到 9.2,也可以一次跨多个大版本,直接从 9.1 到 9.5 等,它的优点是不需要把数据导入导出,这在数据量比较大的时候,非常方便。
(2)不适合小版本升级,比如说从 9.0.1 到 9.0.4
(3)PostgreSQL8.4.x 之后才能使用 pg_upgrade
(4)如果数据量不大,可以使用 pg_dump/pg_restore 升级数据库


安装 postgresql-9.5.9
[root@Darren2 ~]# mkdir -p /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9/{data,arch}
[root@Darren2 pgsql]# groupadd dba
[root@Darren2 pgsql]# useradd -g dba -G root postgres -d /usr/local/pgsql
[root@Darren2 pgsql9.5.9]# tar xf postgresql-9.5.9.tar.gz
[root@Darren2 pgsql]# chmod -R 755 /usr/local/pgsql
[root@Darren2 pgsql]# chown -R postgres:dba /usr/local/pgsql
[root@Darren2 pgsql]# chmod -R 700 /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9/data/
Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql:>cat .bash_profile
# .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [-f ~/.bashrc]; then
    . ~/.bashrc
# User specific environment and startup programs
export PGHOME=/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9
export PGDATA=$PGHOME/data
export PATH=$PATH:$PGHOME/bin
#stty erase
set umask to 022
umask 022
PS1=`uname -n`”:”‘$USER'”:”‘$PWD'”:>”; export PS1

[root@Darren2 postgresql-9.5.9]# ./configure –prefix=/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9/
[root@Darren2 postgresql-9.5.9]# make world && make install-world
Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql:>initdb -D $PGDATA -U postgres -E UTF8  -W

Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9/data:>vim pg_hba.conf
host all all md5

Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9/data:>vim postgresql.conf
listen_addresses = ‘*’
wal_level = archive
port = 5432             
max_connections = 300       
shared_buffers = 128MB         
logging_collector = on   
log_directory = ‘pg_log’     
log_filename = ‘postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log’ 
archive_mode = on
archive_command = ‘test ! -f /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9/arch/%f  &&  cp %p /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9/arch/%f’

# 启动数据库
Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql:>pg_ctl start

# 创建测试数据
Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9:>cd /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9
Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9:>mkdir tbs1
postgres=# create role cdhu1 login encrypted password ‘147258’;
postgres=# create tablespace tbs1 location ‘/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9/tbs1’;
postgres=# create database testdb1 template template0 encoding ‘UTF8’ tablespace tbs1;
postgres=# grant all on database testdb1 to cdhu1;
postgres=# grant all on tablespace tbs1 to cdhu1;
Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9/data:>psql -d testdb1 -U cdhu1
testdb1=> create table t1(id int primary key, info text);
testdb1=> insert into t1 select generate_series(1,2000000),’helloWorld’;

安装新版本 postgresql-9.6.5
[root@Darren2 ~]# mkdir -p /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/{data,arch}
[root@Darren2 pgsql9.6.5]# tar xf postgresql-9.6.5.tar.gz
[root@Darren2 pgsql]# chmod -R 755 /usr/local/pgsql
[root@Darren2 pgsql]# chown -R postgres:dba /usr/local/pgsql
[root@Darren2 pgsql]# chmod -R 700 /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/data/
[root@Darren2 postgresql-9.5.9]# ./configure –prefix=/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/
[root@Darren2 postgresql-9.5.9]# make world && make install-world
Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/bin:>cd /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/bin
Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql:>./initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/data  -U postgres -E UTF8  -W

Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9/data:>vim pg_hba.conf
host all all md5

Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/data:>vim postgresql.conf
listen_addresses = ‘*’
wal_level = replica
port = 5431      #必须和上面端口号的不一样   
max_connections = 300       
shared_buffers = 128MB         
logging_collector = on   
log_directory = ‘pg_log’     
log_filename = ‘postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log’ 
archive_mode = on
archive_command = ‘test ! -f /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/arch/%f  &&  cp %p /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/arch/%f’

# 多实例的启动数据库服务
Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql:>/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9/bin/pg_ctl start -D /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9/data/
Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql:>/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/bin/pg_ctl start -D /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/data

# 多实例的停止数据服务(升级前需要停止数据库服务)
Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql:>/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9/bin/pg_ctl stop -m fast -D /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9/data
Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql:>/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/bin/pg_ctl stop -m fast -D /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/data

pg_upgrade 参数解析
-b, –old-bindir=BINDIR      old cluster executable directory
-B, –new-bindir=BINDIR      new cluster executable directory
-d, –old-datadir=DATADIR    old cluster data directory
-D, –new-datadir=DATADIR    new cluster data directory
-p, –old-port=PORT          old cluster port number (default 50432)
-P, –new-port=PORT          new cluster port number (default 50432)
-c, –check                  check clusters only, don’t change any data
-j, –jobs                    number of simultaneous processes or threads to use
-k, –link                    link instead of copying files to new cluster
-r, –retain                  retain SQL and log files after success
-U, –username=NAME          cluster superuser (default “postgres”)
-v, –verbose                enable verbose internal logging

pg_upgrade 有两种升级方式,一个是缺省的通过拷贝数据文件到新的 data 目录下,一个是创建硬链接。拷贝的方式升级较慢,但是原库还可用;硬链接的方式升级较快,但是原库不可用。

使用 9.6.5 的 pg_upgrade 检测兼容性
Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql:>/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/bin/pg_upgrade -b /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9/bin -B /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/bin -d /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9/data -D /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/data -p 5432 -P 5431 -U postgres -j 8 -k -c
Performing Consistency Checks
Checking cluster versions                                  ok
Checking database user is the install user                  ok
Checking database connection settings                      ok
Checking for prepared transactions                          ok
Checking for reg* system OID user data types                ok
Checking for contrib/isn with bigint-passing mismatch      ok
Checking for roles starting with ‘pg_’                      ok
Checking for presence of required libraries                ok
Checking database user is the install user                  ok
Checking for prepared transactions                          ok

Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql:>/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/bin/pg_upgrade -b /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9/bin -B /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/bin -d /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9/data -D /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/data -p 5432 -P 5431 -U postgres -j 8 -k -r -v
Upgrade Complete
Optimizer statistics are not transferred by pg_upgrade so,
once you start the new server, consider running:
Running this script will delete the old cluster’s data files:

# 生成 2 个脚本, 用于收集统计信息和删除老集群,和一些有关升级过程的日志信息
Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql:>ls -ltr
-rw-r–r–. 1 postgres dba  2215 Oct 18 01:37 pg_upgrade_dump_globals.sql
-rw——-. 1 postgres dba  2237 Oct 18 01:37 pg_upgrade_dump_13241.custom
-rw——-. 1 postgres dba  2228 Oct 18 01:37 pg_upgrade_dump_1.custom
-rw——-. 1 postgres dba  3733 Oct 18 01:37 pg_upgrade_dump_16386.custom
-rw——-. 1 postgres dba  2422 Oct 18 01:37 pg_upgrade_dump_13241.log
-rw——-. 1 postgres dba  2409 Oct 18 01:37 pg_upgrade_dump_1.log
-rw——-. 1 postgres dba  2686 Oct 18 01:37 pg_upgrade_dump_16386.log
-rw——-. 1 postgres dba 240810 Oct 18 01:37 pg_upgrade_utility.log
-rwx——. 1 postgres dba    112 Oct 18 01:37 delete_old_cluster.sh
-rwx——. 1 postgres dba    809 Oct 18 01:37 analyze_new_cluster.sh
-rw——-. 1 postgres dba  2956 Oct 18 01:37 pg_upgrade_server.log
-rw——-. 1 postgres dba  42227 Oct 18 01:37 pg_upgrade_internal.log

# 启动新的数据库集群
Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql:>/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/bin/pg_ctl start -D /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/data

# 根据脚本 analyze_new_cluster.sh 执行统计信息收集
Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql:>/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/bin/vacuumdb -U ‘postgres’ –all –analyze-in-stages -p 5431
vacuumdb: processing database “postgres”: Generating minimal optimizer statistics (1 target)
vacuumdb: processing database “template1”: Generating minimal optimizer statistics (1 target)
vacuumdb: processing database “testdb1”: Generating minimal optimizer statistics (1 target)
vacuumdb: processing database “postgres”: Generating medium optimizer statistics (10 targets)
vacuumdb: processing database “template1”: Generating medium optimizer statistics (10 targets)
vacuumdb: processing database “testdb1”: Generating medium optimizer statistics (10 targets)
vacuumdb: processing database “postgres”: Generating default (full) optimizer statistics
vacuumdb: processing database “template1”: Generating default (full) optimizer statistics
vacuumdb: processing database “testdb1”: Generating default (full) optimizer statistics

# 查看数据是否存在
Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql:>psql -p 5431
postgres=# select version();
PostgreSQL 9.6.5 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4), 64-bit
testdb1=# \dt+
                  List of relations
Schema | Name | Type  | Owner | Size  | Description
public | t1  | table | cdhu1 | 85 MB |

# 通过上述脚本删除老数据
Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql:>cat delete_old_cluster.sh
rm -rf ‘/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9/data’
rm -rf ‘/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.5.9/tbs1/PG_9.5_201510051’
Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql:>bash delete_old_cluster.sh


Darren2:postgres:/usr/local/pgsql:>/usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/bin/pg_ctl start -D /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/data
pg_ctl: error while loading shared libraries: libpq.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[root@Darren2 postgresql-9.6.5]# ln -s /usr/local/pgsql/pgsql9.6.5/lib/libpq.so.5 /usr/lib64/

Ubuntu 16.04 下安装 PostgreSQL 和 phpPgAdmin  http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2016-08/134260.htm

Linux 下 RPM 包方式安装 PostgreSQL  http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2016-03/128906.htm

Linux 下安装 PostgreSQL  http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2016-12/138765.htm

Linux 下 PostgreSQL 安装部署指南  http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2016-11/137603.htm

Linux 下安装 PostgreSQL 并设置基本参数  http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2016-11/137324.htm

Ubuntu 16.04 下 PostgreSQL 主从复制配置  http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2017-08/146190.htm

Fedota 24 将数据库升级到 PostgreSQL 9.5  http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2016-11/137374.htm

CentOS7 安装配置 PostgreSQL9.6  http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2017-10/147536.htm

CentOS5.8_x64 下离线安装 PostgreSQL 9.1  http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2017-10/147822.htm

CentOS 6.5 下 PostgreSQL 服务部署  http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2017-01/139144.htm

本文永久更新链接地址 :http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2017-11/148184.htm

版权声明:本站原创文章,由 星锅 于2022-01-22发表,共计9708字。