共计 5302 个字符,预计需要花费 14 分钟才能阅读完成。
导读 | 这篇文章主要介绍了 VBS 批量重命名文件并且操作前备份原有文件, 需要的朋友可以参考下 |
'==========================================================================' | |
'VBScript Source File -- Created with SAPIEN Technologies PrimalScript 4.0' | |
'NAME:' | |
'AUTHOR: Microsoft , Microsoft' DATE : 2014/7/9 | |
'' COMMENT:' 批量修改文件夹下对应的所有文件名 | |
''==========================================================================' 选择我的电脑作为根目录,来选择目录 | |
Const MY_COMPUTER = &H11& | |
Const WINDOW_HANDLE = 0 | |
Const OPTIONS = 0 | |
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") | |
Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(MY_COMPUTER) | |
Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self | |
strPath = objFolderItem.Path | |
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") | |
Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder _ | |
(WINDOW_HANDLE, "Select a folder:", OPTIONS, strPath) | |
If objFolder Is Nothing Then | |
Wscript.Quit | |
End If | |
Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self | |
objPath = objFolderItem.Path | |
'MsgBox objFolderItem.name'=================================================================== | |
'选择指定盘符下的目录' Const WINDOW_HANDLE = 0 | |
'Const OPTIONS = 0' | |
'Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")' Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder _ | |
'(WINDOW_HANDLE,"Select a folder:", OPTIONS,"C:\")' | |
'If objFolder Is Nothing Then' Wscript.Quit | |
'End If' | |
'Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self' objPath = objFolderItem.Path | |
'' MsgBox objPath'========================================================================= | |
' 定义变量 | |
dim file_path,prefix_name,suffix_name,repeat_name,repeat_edit | |
Dim OneLine,TwoLine,ThreeLine,FourLine,FiveLine | |
i=0 | |
test = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFile(Wscript.ScriptFullName).ParentFolder.Path | |
'Wscript.echo test | |
filepath=test&"\config.ini" | |
'WScript.Echo filepath' file_path = "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\1\music"' 目标文件夹的路径 | |
dst_file_path="C:\"&objFolderItem.name&"_bak" | |
file_path=objPath | |
'----- 得到文件夹路径,且打开配置文件 | |
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") | |
Set folder = fso.getfolder(file_path) | |
Set fs = folder.files | |
Set file=fso.OpenTextFile(filepath,1) | |
'---------------- 在操作前,备份一下原有的文件 | |
fso.CopyFolder file_path,dst_file_path,True | |
'----------------------------------' 取出第一行中的两个数 | |
OneLine=file.ReadLine | |
OneLineStr=Split(OneLine,"=") | |
OneLineCount=UBound(split(OneLine,"=")) | |
For i1=0 To OneLineCount | |
'WScript.Echo OneLineStr(i1) | |
Next | |
'-------------------------------------' 取出第二行中的两个数 | |
TwoLine=file.ReadLine | |
TwoLineStr=Split(TwoLine,"=") | |
TwoLineCount=UBound(split(TwoLine,"=")) | |
For i2=0 To TwoLineCount | |
'WScript.Echo TwoLineStr(i2) | |
Next | |
'-------------------------------------------' 取出第三行中的两个数 | |
ThreeLine=file.ReadLine | |
ThreeLineStr=Split(ThreeLine,"=") | |
ThreeLineCount=UBound(split(ThreeLine,"=")) | |
For i3=0 To ThreeLineCount | |
'WScript.Echo ThreeLineStr(i3) | |
Next | |
'-------------------------------------------' 取出第四行中的两个数 | |
FourLine=file.ReadLine | |
FourLineStr=Split(FourLine,"=") | |
FourLineCount=UBound(split(FourLine,"=")) | |
For i4=0 To FourLineCount | |
'WScript.Echo FourLineStr(i4) | |
Next | |
'-----------------------------------------' 取出第五行中的两个数 | |
FiveLine=file.ReadLine | |
FiveLineStr=Split(FiveLine,"=") | |
FiveLineCount=Ubound(split(FiveLine,"=")) | |
For i5=0 To FiveLineCount | |
'WScript.Echo FiveLineStr(i5) | |
Next | |
'---------------------------------------------' 调用过程 | |
'Function_Main() | |
Function Function_Main() | |
If OneLineStr(1)="true" Then | |
Function_Prefix_Name() | |
Elseif OneLineStr(1)="false" Then | |
Function_Suffix_Name() | |
Elseif OneLineStr(1)="number" Then | |
Function_Number_Value() | |
Elseif OneLineStr(1)="array" Then | |
Function_MyArrayReName() | |
Elseif OneLineStr(1)="" Then | |
WScript.Quit | |
End If | |
End Function | |
'-----------------------------------------' 在原有名称前增加前缀 | |
Function Function_Prefix_Name() | |
For Each file in fs | |
File.Name=TwoLineStr(1)&File.Name | |
Next | |
End Function | |
'--------------------------------------' 在原有名称前增加后缀 | |
Function Function_Suffix_Name() | |
For Each file in fs | |
Name=Mid(file.name,1,instrrev(file.name,".")-1) ' 取到. 号前面的文件名 | |
Format=Mid(file.name,instrrev(file.name,".")) ' 取到. 号后面的后缀格式 | |
file.Name=Name&ThreeLineStr(1)&Format | |
Next | |
End Function | |
'--------------------------------------------' 在原有名称前增加有序自增数字 | |
Function Function_Number_Value() | |
For Each file In fs | |
FourLineStr(1)=FourLineStr(1)+1 | |
file.name=FourLineStr(1)&file.name | |
Next | |
End Function | |
'Function_Suffix_Name()'-------------------------------------------------- | |
' 批量更改文件名称 | |
Function Function_MyArrayReName() | |
Const BeforAlarm="发生犯人暴狱,请注意观察" | |
Const AfterAlarm="发生犯人暴狱,各小组按预案处置" | |
Dim MyArray(12) | |
n=1 | |
y=0 | |
For i=0 To 12 | |
If i=11 Then | |
MyArray(i)="监门哨" | |
Elseif i=12 Then | |
MyArray(i)="自卫哨" | |
Else | |
MyArray(i)=n&"号哨" | |
n=n+1 | |
End If | |
' WScript.Echo MyArray(i) | |
Next | |
For Each file In fs | |
Format=Mid(file.name,instrrev(file.name,".")) | |
'MsgBox Format'MsgBox MyArray(y) | |
If FiveLineStr(1)="before" Then | |
file.name=MyArray(y)&BeforAlarm&Format | |
Elseif FiveLineStr(1)="after" Then | |
file.name=MyArray(y)&AfterAlarm&Format | |
Else | |
MsgBox "请先设置是确认前还是确认后!",,"提示" | |
WScript.Quit | |
End If | |
y=y+1 | |
'WScript.Echo file.name | |
Next | |
End Function | |
'=======================================================================' If prefix_name ""then' 批量加前缀 | |
'For each f in fs' f.name = prefix_name&f.name | |
'Next' End If | |
'' if suffix_name"" then'批量加后缀' For each f in fs | |
'name = Mid(f.name,1,InstrRev(f.name,".")-1)' format = Mid(f.name,InstrRev(f.name,".")) | |
'f.name = name & suffix_name & format' Next | |
'end If' | |
'if repeat_name"" then'批量删除相同字符' For each f in fs | |
'On Error Resume Next' f.name = Replace(f.name,repeat_name,repeat_edit) | |
'Next' end If | |
''----- 文件操作结束' | |
'set fso = nothing' 释放内存 | |
'' MsgBox(" 完成!") |
config.ini 文件内容:statue= | |
prefix_name=[320kbp] | |
suffix_name=[结束] | |
i=20140100 | |
array= |
好了这篇文章就介绍到这了,主要用到了 FileSystemObject 与 mid 函数