共计 32632 个字符,预计需要花费 82 分钟才能阅读完成。
导读 | 这篇文章主要为大家详细介绍了 python tkinter 实现学生信息管理系统,文中示例代码介绍的非常详细,具有一定的参考价值,感兴趣的小伙伴们可以参考一下 |
本文实例为大家分享了 python tkinter 实现学生信息管理系统的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下
初学 python,代码写的比较繁杂,系统功能还有完善的空间
系统使用了 mysql 数据库,数据库:sch,用户名:root,密码:123456,创建表的语句写在代码里面了
import tkinter | |
import tkinter.messagebox | |
import re | |
import pymysql | |
from tkinter import scrolledtext | |
import os | |
from tkinter import * | |
def window_info(main): | |
w = main.winfo_screenwidth() | |
h = main.winfo_screenheight() | |
x = (w / 2) - 200 | |
y = (h / 2) - 200 | |
return (x, y) | |
def conn(): | |
con = pymysql.connect("localhost", "root", "root", "sch") | |
return con | |
def cur(connection): | |
cur = connection.cursor() | |
return cur | |
def exitsys(): | |
root.destroy() | |
def teacherlogin(): | |
#=============================================================================== | |
def managerindex(): | |
def addstudent(): | |
def addone(): | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
cursor.execute('insert into student values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)', | |
(addnameentry.get(), addageentry.get(), | |
addnoentry.get(), addclassentry.get(),'未注册')) | |
connection.commit() | |
except: | |
if addsuccessentry.get() != '': | |
addsuccessentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
addsuccessentry.insert('0', '添加失败!') | |
else: | |
addsuccessentry.insert('0', '添加失败!') | |
connection.rollback() | |
connection.close() | |
cursor.close | |
if addsuccessentry.get() != '': | |
addsuccessentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
addsuccessentry.insert('0', '添加成功!') | |
else: | |
addsuccessentry.insert('0', '添加成功!') | |
def addcancel(): | |
addnameentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
addageentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
addnoentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
addclassentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
addsuccessentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
def exit(): | |
add.destroy() | |
add = Toplevel() | |
add.title('添加学生信息') | |
x, y = window_info(add) | |
add.geometry("415x295+%d+%d" % (x, y)) | |
add['bg'] = 'dodgerblue' | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(add, text='添加学生', width=80, bg='dodgerblue') | |
labelname.place(x=140, y=50, width=150, height=20) | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(add, text='学生名:', width=80) | |
labelname.place(x=140, y=80, width=60, height=20) | |
addnameentry = tkinter.Entry(add, width=200) | |
addnameentry.place(x=195, y=80, width=80, height=20) | |
labelage = tkinter.Label(add, text='年 龄:', width=80) | |
labelage.place(x=140, y=110, width=60, height=20) | |
addageentry = tkinter.Entry(add, width=200) | |
addageentry.place(x=195, y=110, width=80, height=20) | |
labelno = tkinter.Label(add, text='学 号:', width=80) | |
labelno.place(x=140, y=140, width=60, height=20) | |
addnoentry = tkinter.Entry(add, width=200) | |
addnoentry.place(x=195, y=140, width=80, height=20) | |
labelclass = tkinter.Label(add, text='班 级:', width=80) | |
labelclass.place(x=140, y=170, width=60, height=20) | |
addclassentry = tkinter.Entry(add, width=200) | |
addclassentry.place(x=195, y=170, width=80, height=20) | |
addsuccessentry = tkinter.Entry(add, width=200, state='normal') | |
addsuccessentry.place(x=140, y=200, width=135, height=20) | |
buttonadd = tkinter.Button(add, text="添加", command=addone) | |
buttonadd.place(x=140, y=230, width=50, height=20) | |
buttoncancel = tkinter.Button(add, text="重置", command=addcancel) | |
buttoncancel.place(x=220, y=230, width=50, height=20) | |
add.mainloop() | |
return add | |
# =================================================================================== | |
def findonestudent(): | |
def search(): | |
if textsearch.get('1.0', 'end') != '': | |
textsearch.delete('1.0', 'end') | |
else: | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
cursor.execute('select * from student where sno=%s', (entrysearchone.get())) | |
data = list(cursor.fetchone()) | |
textsearch.insert('insert', "学生姓名:" + data[0] | |
+ "\n" + "年龄:" + data[1] | |
+ "\n" + "学号" + data[2] | |
+ "\n" + "班级:" + data[3] + "\n\n") | |
connection.commit() | |
except: | |
connection.rollback() | |
connection.close() | |
cursor.close | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
cursor.execute('select * from student where sno=%s', (entrysearchone.get())) | |
data = list(cursor.fetchone()) | |
textsearch.insert('insert', "学生姓名:" + data[0] | |
+ "\n" + "年龄:" + data[1] | |
+ "\n" + "学号" + data[2] | |
+ "\n" + "班级:" + data[3] + "\n\n") | |
connection.commit() | |
except: | |
connection.rollback() | |
connection.close() | |
cursor.close | |
def searchonecancel(): | |
textsearch.delete('1.0', 'end') | |
def searchnocancel(): | |
entrysearchone.delete('0', 'end') | |
def exit(): | |
findone.destroy() | |
findone = Toplevel() | |
findone.title('查询学生信息') | |
x, y = window_info(findone) | |
findone.geometry("415x295+%d+%d" % (x, y)) | |
findone['bg'] = 'dodgerblue' | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(findone, text='请输入要查询学生的学号:', width=80, bg='dodgerblue') | |
labelname.place(x=140, y=50, width=140, height=20) | |
entrysearchone = tkinter.Entry(findone, width=200) | |
entrysearchone.place(x=140, y=80, width=150, height=20) | |
buttonsearch = tkinter.Button(findone, text="查找", command=search) | |
buttonsearch.place(x=140, y=110, width=50, height=20) | |
buttonsearch = tkinter.Button(findone, text="重置", command=searchnocancel) | |
buttonsearch.place(x=240, y=110, width=50, height=20) | |
textsearch = tkinter.scrolledtext.ScrolledText(findone, width=18, height=6) | |
textsearch.place(x=140, y=140) | |
buttoncancel = tkinter.Button(findone, text="清空", command=searchonecancel) | |
buttoncancel.place(x=190, y=230, width=50, height=20) | |
findone.mainloop() | |
# ================================================================================== | |
def deletestudent(): | |
def deleteone(): | |
if deleteoneentry.get() == '': | |
tkinter.messagebox.showerror('error', message="请输入学号!") | |
else: | |
if textdelete.get('1.0', 'end') != '': | |
textdelete.delete('1.0', 'end') | |
else: | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
cursor.execute('delete from student where sno=%s', (deleteoneentry.get())) | |
connection.commit() | |
cursor.execute('select * from student') | |
data = list(cursor.fetchall()) | |
textdelete.insert('insert', "姓名:\t\t 年龄:\t\t 学号:\t\t 班级:") | |
textdelete.insert('insert', "\n") | |
for i in data: | |
print(i) | |
textdelete.insert('insert', '\t\t'.join(i)) | |
textdelete.insert('insert', "\n") | |
except: | |
connection.rollback() | |
connection.close() | |
cursor.close | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
cursor.execute('delete from student where sno=%s', (deleteoneentry.get())) | |
connection.commit() | |
cursor.execute('select * from student') | |
data = list(cursor.fetchall()) | |
textdelete.insert('insert', "姓名:\t\t 年龄:\t\t 学号:\t\t 班级:") | |
textdelete.insert('insert', "\n") | |
for i in data: | |
print(i) | |
textdelete.insert('insert', '\t\t'.join(i)) | |
textdelete.insert('insert', "\n") | |
except: | |
connection.rollback() | |
connection.close() | |
cursor.close | |
def exit(): | |
deleteone.destroy() | |
def deleteonecancel(): | |
deleteoneentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
delete = Toplevel() | |
delete.title('删除学生信息') | |
x, y = window_info(delete) | |
delete.geometry("415x295+%d+%d" % (x, y)) | |
delete['bg'] = 'dodgerblue' | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(delete, text='请输入要删除学生的学号:', bg='dodgerblue') | |
labelname.place(x=5, y=20, width=140, height=20) | |
deleteoneentry = tkinter.Entry(delete, width=200) | |
deleteoneentry.place(x=5, y=50, width=150, height=20) | |
buttondelete = tkinter.Button(delete, text="删除", command=deleteone) | |
buttondelete.place(x=5, y=80, width=50, height=20) | |
buttondelete = tkinter.Button(delete, text="重置", command=deleteonecancel) | |
buttondelete.place(x=105, y=80, width=50, height=20) | |
textdelete = tkinter.scrolledtext.ScrolledText(delete, width=54, height=9) | |
textdelete.place(x=5, y=110) | |
delete.mainloop() | |
# ======================================================================================= | |
def findallstudent(): | |
def show(): | |
if textshow.get('1.0', 'end') != '': | |
textshow.delete('1.0', 'end') | |
else: | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
cursor.execute('select * from student') | |
data = list(cursor.fetchall()) | |
textshow.insert('insert', "姓名:\t\t 年龄:\t\t 学号:\t\t 班级:\t\t 登录密码:") | |
textshow.insert('insert', "\n") | |
for i in data: | |
print(i) | |
textshow.insert('insert', '\t\t'.join(i)) | |
textshow.insert('insert', "\n") | |
except: | |
connection.rollback() | |
connection.close() | |
cursor.close | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
cursor.execute('select * from student') | |
data = list(cursor.fetchall()) | |
textshow.insert('insert', "姓名:\t\t 年龄:\t\t 学号:\t\t 班级:\t\t 登录密码:") | |
textshow.insert('insert', "\n") | |
for i in data: | |
print(i) | |
textshow.insert('insert', '\t\t'.join(i)) | |
textshow.insert('insert', "\n") | |
except: | |
connection.rollback() | |
connection.close() | |
cursor.close | |
def searchallcancel(): | |
textshow.delete('1.0', 'end') | |
def exit(): | |
findall.destroy() | |
findall = Toplevel() | |
findall.title('查询所有学生信息') | |
x, y = window_info(findall) | |
findall.geometry("520x295+%d+%d" % (x, y)) | |
findall['bg'] = 'dodgerblue' | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(findall, text='查询所有学生信息?', bg='dodgerblue') | |
labelname.place(x=5, y=20, width=100, height=20) | |
buttonshow = tkinter.Button(findall, text="确定", command=show) | |
buttonshow.place(x=5, y=50, width=50, height=20) | |
textshow = tkinter.scrolledtext.ScrolledText(findall, width=75, height=9) | |
textshow.place(x=5, y=80) | |
buttoncancel = tkinter.Button(findall, text="清空", command=searchallcancel) | |
buttoncancel.place(x=5, y=210, width=50, height=20) | |
findall.mainloop() | |
# ======================================================================================= | |
def modifystudent(): | |
def modifyfindone(): | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
cursor.execute('select * from student where sno=%s', (modifyoneentry.get())) | |
connection.commit() | |
except: | |
connection.rollback() | |
connection.close() | |
cursor.close | |
data = list(cursor.fetchall()) | |
if data == []: | |
tkinter.messagebox.showerror(message="没有查询到该学生的信息!") | |
else: | |
modifynameentry.insert('0', data[0][0]) | |
modifyageentry.insert('0', data[0][1]) | |
modifynoentry.insert('0', data[0][2]) | |
modifyclassentry.insert('0', data[0][3]) | |
def submit(): | |
print(modifynameentry.get()) | |
print(modifyoneentry.get()) | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
sqlname = "update student set sname = %s where sno = %s" | |
cursor.execute(sqlname, (modifynameentry.get(), modifyoneentry.get())) | |
sqlage = "update student set sage = %s where sno = %s" | |
cursor.execute(sqlage, (modifyageentry.get(), modifyoneentry.get())) | |
sqlno = "update student set sno = %s where sno = %s" | |
cursor.execute(sqlno, (modifynoentry.get(), modifyoneentry.get())) | |
sqlclass = "update student set sclass = %s where sno = %s" | |
cursor.execute(sqlclass, (modifyclassentry.get(), modifyoneentry.get())) | |
connection.commit() | |
if modifysuccessentry.get() != '': | |
modifysuccessentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
modifysuccessentry.insert('0', '修改成功!') | |
else: | |
modifysuccessentry.insert('0', '修改成功!') | |
modify = Toplevel() | |
modify.title('修改学生信息') | |
x, y = window_info(modify) | |
modify.geometry("415x295+%d+%d" % (x, y)) | |
modify['bg'] = 'dodgerblue' | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(modify, text='请输入要修改学生的学号:', bg='dodgerblue') | |
labelname.place(x=5, y=20, width=140, height=20) | |
buttonshow = tkinter.Button(modify, text="确定", command=modifyfindone) | |
buttonshow.place(x=155, y=50, width=50, height=20) | |
modifyoneentry = tkinter.Entry(modify, width=200) | |
modifyoneentry.place(x=5, y=50, width=150, height=20) | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(modify, text='该学生信息如下', bg='dodgerblue') | |
labelname.place(x=5, y=70, width=85, height=20) | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(modify, text='姓名:',bg='dodgerblue') | |
labelname.place(x=5, y=100, width=30, height=20) | |
modifynameentry = tkinter.Entry(modify, width=200) | |
modifynameentry.place(x=5, y=120, width=150, height=20) | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(modify, text='年龄:',bg='dodgerblue') | |
labelname.place(x=200, y=100, width=30, height=20) | |
modifyageentry = tkinter.Entry(modify, width=200) | |
modifyageentry.place(x=200, y=120, width=150, height=20) | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(modify, text='学号:',bg='dodgerblue') | |
labelname.place(x=5, y=150, width=30, height=20) | |
modifynoentry = tkinter.Entry(modify, width=200) | |
modifynoentry.place(x=5, y=170, width=150, height=20) | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(modify, text='班级:',bg='dodgerblue') | |
labelname.place(x=200, y=150, width=30, height=20) | |
modifyclassentry = tkinter.Entry(modify, width=200) | |
modifyclassentry.place(x=200, y=170, width=150, height=20) | |
modifysuccessentry = tkinter.Entry(modify, width=200) | |
modifysuccessentry.place(x=5, y=200, width=150, height=20) | |
buttonshow = tkinter.Button(modify, text="提 交", command=submit) | |
buttonshow.place(x=5, y=230, width=50, height=20) | |
modify.mainloop() | |
# ================================================================================== | |
def findselectcourseinfor(): | |
def show(): | |
print('swj') | |
if textshow.get('1.0', 'end') != '': | |
textshow.delete('1.0', 'end') | |
else: | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
cursor.execute('select sno,sname,sclass,cno,cname from student,course where student.sno=sc.sno and course.cno=sc.cno') | |
data = list(cursor.fetchall()) | |
textshow.insert('insert', "学号:\t\t 姓名:\t\t 班级:\t\t 课程编号:\t\t 课程名:") | |
textshow.insert('insert', "\n") | |
for i in data: | |
print(i) | |
textshow.insert('insert', '\t\t'.join(i)) | |
textshow.insert('insert', "\n") | |
except: | |
connection.rollback() | |
connection.close() | |
cursor.close | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
cursor.execute('select sc.sno,sname,sclass,sc.cno,course.cname from student,course,sc where student.sno=sc.sno and course.cno=sc.cno') | |
data = list(cursor.fetchall()) | |
textshow.insert('insert', "学号:\t\t 姓名:\t\t 班级:\t\t 课程编号:\t\t 课程名:") | |
textshow.insert('insert', "\n") | |
for i in data: | |
print(i) | |
textshow.insert('insert', '\t\t'.join(i)) | |
textshow.insert('insert', "\n") | |
except: | |
connection.rollback() | |
connection.close() | |
cursor.close | |
def searchallcancel(): | |
textshow.delete('1.0', 'end') | |
findall = Toplevel() | |
findall.title('查询学生选课信息') | |
x, y = window_info(findall) | |
findall.geometry("520x295+%d+%d" % (x, y)) | |
findall['bg'] = 'dodgerblue' | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(findall, text='查询学生选课信息?', bg='dodgerblue') | |
labelname.place(x=5, y=20, width=100, height=20) | |
buttonshow = tkinter.Button(findall, text="确定", command=show) | |
buttonshow.place(x=5, y=50, width=50, height=20) | |
textshow = tkinter.scrolledtext.ScrolledText(findall, width=105, height=9) | |
textshow.place(x=5, y=80) | |
buttoncancel = tkinter.Button(findall, text="清空", command=searchallcancel) | |
buttoncancel.place(x=5, y=210, width=50, height=20) | |
findall.mainloop() | |
#=================================================================================== | |
def addcourse(): | |
def addonecourse(): | |
print(addcnoentry.get()) | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
cursor.execute('insert into course values(%s,%s,%s)', | |
(addcnoentry.get(), addcnameentry.get(), | |
addtnoentry.get())) | |
connection.commit() | |
except: | |
if addsuccessentry.get() != '': | |
addsuccessentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
addsuccessentry.insert('0', '添加失败!') | |
else: | |
addsuccessentry.insert('0', '添加失败!') | |
connection.rollback() | |
connection.close() | |
cursor.close | |
if addsuccessentry.get() != '': | |
addsuccessentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
addsuccessentry.insert('0', '添加成功!') | |
else: | |
addsuccessentry.insert('0', '添加成功!') | |
def addcancel(): | |
addcnoentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
addcnameentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
addtnoentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
addsuccessentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
addcourse = Toplevel() | |
addcourse.title('添加学生信息') | |
x, y = window_info(addcourse) | |
addcourse.geometry("415x295+%d+%d" % (x, y)) | |
addcourse['bg'] = 'dodgerblue' | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(addcourse, text='添加学生', width=80, bg='dodgerblue') | |
labelname.place(x=140, y=50, width=150, height=20) | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(addcourse, text='课程号:', width=80) | |
labelname.place(x=140, y=80, width=60, height=20) | |
addcnoentry = tkinter.Entry(addcourse, width=200) | |
addcnoentry.place(x=195, y=80, width=80, height=20) | |
labelage = tkinter.Label(addcourse, text='课程名:', width=80) | |
labelage.place(x=140, y=110, width=60, height=20) | |
addcnameentry = tkinter.Entry(addcourse, width=200) | |
addcnameentry.place(x=195, y=110, width=80, height=20) | |
labelno = tkinter.Label(addcourse, text='教师编号:', width=80) | |
labelno.place(x=140, y=140, width=60, height=20) | |
addtnoentry = tkinter.Entry(addcourse, width=200) | |
addtnoentry.place(x=195, y=140, width=80, height=20) | |
addsuccessentry = tkinter.Entry(addcourse, width=200, state='normal') | |
addsuccessentry.place(x=140, y=170, width=135, height=20) | |
buttonadd = tkinter.Button(addcourse, text="添加", command=addonecourse) | |
buttonadd.place(x=140, y=200, width=50, height=20) | |
buttoncancel = tkinter.Button(addcourse, text="重置", command=addcancel) | |
buttoncancel.place(x=220, y=200, width=50, height=20) | |
addcourse.mainloop() | |
def exitsys(): | |
root.destroy() | |
studentindex = Toplevel() | |
studentindex.title('学生信息管理系统') | |
x, y = window_info(studentindex) | |
studentindex.geometry("430x505+%d+%d" % (x, y)) | |
studentindex['bg'] = 'dodgerblue' | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(studentindex, text='欢迎使用学生信息管理系统', bg='dodgerblue', font=("楷体", 20)) | |
labelname.place(x=60, y=30, width=350, height=40) | |
buttonadd = tkinter.Button(studentindex, text="添 加", command=addstudent) | |
buttonadd.place(x=150, y=90, width=100, height=40) | |
buttonadd = tkinter.Button(studentindex, text="查 询", command=findonestudent) | |
buttonadd.place(x=150, y=140, width=100, height=40) | |
buttonadd = tkinter.Button(studentindex, text="删 除", command=deletestudent) | |
buttonadd.place(x=150, y=190, width=100, height=40) | |
buttonadd = tkinter.Button(studentindex, text="查询所有", command=findallstudent) | |
buttonadd.place(x=150, y=240, width=100, height=40) | |
buttonadd = tkinter.Button(studentindex, text="修 改", command=modifystudent) | |
buttonadd.place(x=150, y=290, width=100, height=40) | |
buttonadd = tkinter.Button(studentindex, text="添加课程", command=addcourse) | |
buttonadd.place(x=150, y=340, width=100, height=40) | |
buttonadd = tkinter.Button(studentindex, text="学生选课信息", command=findselectcourseinfor) | |
buttonadd.place(x=150, y=390, width=100, height=40) | |
buttonadd = tkinter.Button(studentindex, text="退出系统", command=exitsys) | |
buttonadd.place(x=150, y=440, width=100, height=40) | |
studentindex.mainloop() | |
# =============================================================================== | |
def login(): | |
name = entryName.get() | |
pwd = entryPwd.get() | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
cursor.execute('select * from login') | |
data = list(cursor.fetchall()) | |
print(data) | |
if data == []: | |
tkinter.messagebox.showerror(message="账号或密码错误!") | |
return 0 | |
for i in data: | |
print(i[0]) | |
print(i[1]) | |
if i[0] == name and i[1] == pwd: | |
managerindex() | |
def forregister(): | |
def loginregister(): | |
if pwdentry.get() == ''or confirmpwdentry.get =='': | |
tkinter.messagebox.showerror(message="请输入账号密码!") | |
elif pwdentry.get() == confirmpwdentry.get(): | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
cursor.execute('insert into login(user,password)values(%s,%s)', | |
(userentry.get(), pwdentry.get())) | |
connection.commit() | |
if registersuccessentry.get() != '': | |
registersuccessentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
registersuccessentry.insert('0', '注册成功!') | |
else: | |
registersuccessentry.insert('0', '注册成功!') | |
bottonOk = tkinter.Button(studentregister, text="立即登录", command=registerlogin, bg='dodgerblue') | |
bottonOk.place(x=125, y=230, width=70, height=30) | |
#return userentry.get(), pwdentry.get() | |
except: | |
connection.rollback() | |
if registersuccessentry.get() != '': | |
registersuccessentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
registersuccessentry.insert('0', '注册失败!') | |
else: | |
registersuccessentry.insert('0', '注册失败!') | |
else: | |
tkinter.messagebox.showerror(message="两次输入的密码不相同!") | |
def registerlogin(): | |
managerindex() | |
studentregister = Toplevel() | |
x, y = window_info(studentregister) | |
studentregister.title('学生信息管理系统') | |
studentregister.geometry("415x295+%d+%d" % (x, y)) | |
studentregister['bg'] = 'dodgerblue' | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(studentregister, text='注册学生信息管理系统', bg='dodgerblue', font=("楷体", 20)) | |
labelname.place(x=60, y=30, width=300, height=40) | |
labelName = tkinter.Label(studentregister, text="账 号:", bg='dodgerblue', width=80) | |
labelName.place(x=115, y=110, width=80, height=20) | |
userentry = tkinter.Entry(studentregister, width=80) | |
userentry.place(x=210, y=110, width=80, height=20) | |
labelPwd = tkinter.Label(studentregister, text="密 码:", bg='dodgerblue', width=80) | |
labelPwd.place(x=115, y=135, width=80, height=20) | |
pwdentry = tkinter.Entry(studentregister, width=80) | |
pwdentry.place(x=210, y=135, width=80, height=20) | |
labelPwd = tkinter.Label(studentregister, text="确认密码:", bg='dodgerblue', width=80) | |
labelPwd.place(x=115, y=160, width=80, height=20) | |
confirmpwdentry = tkinter.Entry(studentregister, width=80) | |
confirmpwdentry.place(x=210, y=160, width=80, height=20) | |
registersuccessentry = tkinter.Entry(studentregister, width=80) | |
registersuccessentry.place(x=125, y=190, width=165, height=20) | |
bottonCancel = tkinter.Button(studentregister, text='注册', command=loginregister, bg='dodgerblue') | |
bottonCancel.place(x=225, y=230, width=70, height=30) | |
studentregister.mainloop() | |
manager = Toplevel() | |
manager.title('管理员端') | |
x, y = window_info(manager) | |
manager.geometry("415x295+%d+%d" % (x, y)) | |
manager['bg'] = 'dodgerblue' | |
varLoginName = tkinter.StringVar() | |
varLoginPwd = tkinter.StringVar() | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(manager, text='欢迎使用学生信息管理系统', bg='dodgerblue', font=("楷体", 18)) | |
labelname.place(x=60, y=30, width=300, height=40) | |
labelName = tkinter.Label(manager, text="账 号:", justify=tkinter.RIGHT, bg='dodgerblue', width=80) | |
labelName.place(x=110, y=110, width=80, height=20) | |
labelPwd = tkinter.Label(manager, text="密 码:", justify=tkinter.RIGHT, bg='dodgerblue', width=80) | |
labelPwd.place(x=110, y=135, width=80, height=20) | |
entryName = tkinter.Entry(manager, width=80, textvariable=varLoginName) | |
entryName.place(x=210, y=110, width=80, height=20) | |
entryPwd = tkinter.Entry(manager, show='*', width=80, textvariable=varLoginPwd) | |
entryPwd.place(x=210, y=135, width=80, height=20) | |
bottonOk = tkinter.Button(manager, text="登录", command=login, bg='dodgerblue') | |
bottonOk.place(x=125, y=170, width=70, height=30) | |
bottonCancel = tkinter.Button(manager, text='注册', command=forregister, bg='dodgerblue') | |
bottonCancel.place(x=225, y=170, width=70, height=30) | |
manager.mainloop() | |
def studentlogin(): | |
def forstudentregister(): | |
def loginregister(): | |
if pwdentry.get() == ''or confirmpwdentry.get =='': | |
tkinter.messagebox.showerror(message="请输入账号密码!") | |
elif pwdentry.get() == confirmpwdentry.get(): | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
sqlpwd = "update student set loginpwd = %s where sno = %s" | |
cursor.execute(sqlpwd, ( pwdentry.get(),userentry.get())) | |
connection.commit() | |
if registersuccessentry.get() != '': | |
registersuccessentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
registersuccessentry.insert('0', '注册成功!') | |
else: | |
registersuccessentry.insert('0', '注册成功!') | |
bottonOk = tkinter.Button(studentregister, text="立即登录", command=registerlogin, bg='dodgerblue') | |
bottonOk.place(x=125, y=230, width=70, height=30) | |
except: | |
connection.rollback() | |
if registersuccessentry.get() != '': | |
registersuccessentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
registersuccessentry.insert('0', '注册失败!') | |
else: | |
registersuccessentry.insert('0', '注册失败!') | |
else: | |
tkinter.messagebox.showerror(message="两次输入的密码不相同!") | |
return userentry.get() | |
def registerlogin(): | |
studentindex(userentry.get()) | |
studentregister = Toplevel() | |
x, y = window_info(studentregister) | |
studentregister.title('学生信息管理系统 - 注册') | |
studentregister.geometry("415x295+%d+%d" % (x, y)) | |
studentregister['bg'] = 'dodgerblue' | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(studentregister, text='注册学生信息管理系统', bg='dodgerblue', font=("楷体", 20)) | |
labelname.place(x=60, y=30, width=300, height=40) | |
labelName = tkinter.Label(studentregister, text="学 号:", bg='dodgerblue', width=80) | |
labelName.place(x=115, y=110, width=80, height=20) | |
userentry = tkinter.Entry(studentregister, width=80) | |
userentry.place(x=210, y=110, width=80, height=20) | |
labelPwd = tkinter.Label(studentregister, text="密 码:", bg='dodgerblue', width=80) | |
labelPwd.place(x=115, y=135, width=80, height=20) | |
pwdentry = tkinter.Entry(studentregister, width=80) | |
pwdentry.place(x=210, y=135, width=80, height=20) | |
labelPwd = tkinter.Label(studentregister, text="确认密码:", bg='dodgerblue', width=80) | |
labelPwd.place(x=115, y=160, width=80, height=20) | |
confirmpwdentry = tkinter.Entry(studentregister, width=80) | |
confirmpwdentry.place(x=210, y=160, width=80, height=20) | |
registersuccessentry = tkinter.Entry(studentregister, width=80) | |
registersuccessentry.place(x=125, y=190, width=165, height=20) | |
bottonCancel = tkinter.Button(studentregister, text='注册', command=loginregister, bg='dodgerblue') | |
bottonCancel.place(x=225, y=230, width=70, height=30) | |
studentregister.mainloop() | |
def studentindex(name): | |
loginingno=name | |
print('sdfsdffds') | |
def showinfor(): | |
def show(): | |
if textshowinformation.get('1.0', 'end') != '': | |
textshowinformation.delete('1.0', 'end') | |
else: | |
print(loginingno) | |
print('swj') | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
cursor.execute('select * from student where sno=%s', (loginingno)) | |
data = list(cursor.fetchone()) | |
textshowinformation.insert('insert', "学生姓名:" + data[0] | |
+ "\n" + "年龄:" + data[1] | |
+ "\n" + "学号" + data[2] | |
+ "\n" + "班级:" + data[3] + "\n\n") | |
connection.commit() | |
except: | |
connection.rollback() | |
connection.close() | |
cursor.close | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
cursor.execute('select * from student where sno=%s', (loginingno)) | |
data = list(cursor.fetchone()) | |
textshowinformation.insert('insert', "学生姓名:" + data[0] | |
+ "\n" + "年龄:" + data[1] | |
+ "\n" + "学号" + data[2] | |
+ "\n" + "班级:" + data[3] + "\n\n") | |
connection.commit() | |
except: | |
connection.rollback() | |
connection.close() | |
cursor.close | |
def showinforcancel(): | |
textshowinformation.delete('1.0', 'end') | |
showinformation = Toplevel() | |
showinformation.title('查询学籍信息') | |
x, y = window_info(showinformation) | |
showinformation.geometry("415x295+%d+%d" % (x, y)) | |
showinformation['bg'] = 'dodgerblue' | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(showinformation, text='查询学籍信息?', bg='dodgerblue') | |
labelname.place(x=5, y=20, width=100, height=20) | |
buttonshow = tkinter.Button(showinformation, text="确定", command=show) | |
buttonshow.place(x=5, y=50, width=50, height=20) | |
textshowinformation = tkinter.scrolledtext.ScrolledText(showinformation, width=60, height=9) | |
textshowinformation.place(x=5, y=80) | |
buttoncancel = tkinter.Button(showinformation, text="清空", command=showinforcancel) | |
buttoncancel.place(x=5, y=210, width=50, height=20) | |
showinformation.mainloop() | |
def findcourseinfor(): | |
def show(): | |
if textshow.get('1.0', 'end') != '': | |
textshow.delete('1.0', 'end') | |
else: | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
cursor.execute('select * from course') | |
data = list(cursor.fetchall()) | |
textshow.insert('insert', "课程号:\t\t\t 课程名:\t\t\t 教师编号:") | |
textshow.insert('insert', "\n") | |
for i in data: | |
print(i) | |
textshow.insert('insert', '\t\t'.join(i)) | |
textshow.insert('insert', "\n") | |
except: | |
connection.rollback() | |
connection.close() | |
cursor.close | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
cursor.execute('select * from course') | |
data = list(cursor.fetchall()) | |
textshow.insert('insert', "课程号:\t\t\t 课程名:\t\t\t 教师编号:") | |
textshow.insert('insert', "\n") | |
for i in data: | |
print(i) | |
textshow.insert('insert', '\t\t\t'.join(i)) | |
textshow.insert('insert', "\n") | |
except: | |
connection.rollback() | |
connection.close() | |
cursor.close | |
def searchallcancel(): | |
textshow.delete('1.0', 'end') | |
findall = Toplevel() | |
findall.title('查询课程信息') | |
x, y = window_info(findall) | |
findall.geometry("520x295+%d+%d" % (x, y)) | |
findall['bg'] = 'dodgerblue' | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(findall, text='查询所有课程信息?', bg='dodgerblue') | |
labelname.place(x=5, y=20, width=100, height=20) | |
buttonshow = tkinter.Button(findall, text="确定", command=show) | |
buttonshow.place(x=5, y=50, width=50, height=20) | |
textshow = tkinter.scrolledtext.ScrolledText(findall, width=75, height=9) | |
textshow.place(x=5, y=80) | |
buttoncancel = tkinter.Button(findall, text="清空", command=searchallcancel) | |
buttoncancel.place(x=5, y=210, width=50, height=20) | |
findall.mainloop() | |
def selectcourse(): | |
def show(): | |
if textshow.get('1.0', 'end') != '': | |
textshow.delete('1.0', 'end') | |
else: | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
cursor.execute('select * from course') | |
data = list(cursor.fetchall()) | |
textshow.insert('insert', "课程号:\t\t\t 课程名:\t\t\t 教师编号:") | |
textshow.insert('insert', "\n") | |
for i in data: | |
print(i) | |
textshow.insert('insert', '\t\t'.join(i)) | |
textshow.insert('insert', "\n") | |
except: | |
connection.rollback() | |
connection.close() | |
cursor.close | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
cursor.execute('select * from course') | |
data = list(cursor.fetchall()) | |
textshow.insert('insert', "课程号:\t\t\t 课程名:\t\t\t 教师编号:") | |
textshow.insert('insert', "\n") | |
for i in data: | |
print(i) | |
textshow.insert('insert', '\t\t\t'.join(i)) | |
textshow.insert('insert', "\n") | |
except: | |
connection.rollback() | |
connection.close() | |
cursor.close | |
def searchallcancel(): | |
textshow.delete('1.0', 'end') | |
def select(): | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
cursor.execute('insert into sc values(%s,%s)', | |
(loginingno, entrysearchone.get())) | |
connection.commit() | |
except: | |
if addsuccessentry.get() != '': | |
addsuccessentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
addsuccessentry.insert('0', '选课失败!') | |
else: | |
addsuccessentry.insert('0', '选课失败!') | |
connection.rollback() | |
connection.close() | |
cursor.close | |
if addsuccessentry.get() != '': | |
addsuccessentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
addsuccessentry.insert('0', '选课成功!') | |
else: | |
addsuccessentry.insert('0', '选课成功!') | |
def addcancel(): | |
entrysearchone.delete('0', 'end') | |
addsuccessentry.delete('0', 'end') | |
findall = Toplevel() | |
findall.title('学生选课') | |
x, y = window_info(findall) | |
findall.geometry("520x325+%d+%d" % (x, y)) | |
findall['bg'] = 'dodgerblue' | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(findall, text='查询所有课程信息?', bg='dodgerblue') | |
labelname.place(x=5, y=20, width=100, height=20) | |
buttonshow = tkinter.Button(findall, text="确定", command=show) | |
buttonshow.place(x=5, y=50, width=50, height=20) | |
textshow = tkinter.scrolledtext.ScrolledText(findall, width=75, height=9) | |
textshow.place(x=5, y=80) | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(findall, text='请输入课程编号:', bg='dodgerblue') | |
labelname.place(x=5, y=210, width=100, height=20) | |
entrysearchone = tkinter.Entry(findall, width=200) | |
entrysearchone.place(x=5, y=240, width=150, height=20) | |
addsuccessentry = tkinter.Entry(findall, width=200) | |
addsuccessentry.place(x=5, y=270, width=75, height=20) | |
buttoncancel = tkinter.Button(findall, text="选择", command=select) | |
buttoncancel.place(x=5, y=300, width=50, height=20) | |
buttoncancel = tkinter.Button(findall, text="重置", command=addcancel) | |
buttoncancel.place(x=105, y=300, width=50, height=20) | |
findall.mainloop() | |
def findselectcourseinfor(): | |
def show(): | |
print('swj') | |
if textshow.get('1.0', 'end') != '': | |
textshow.delete('1.0', 'end') | |
else: | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
cursor.execute('select sno,sname,sclass,cno,cname from student,course where student.sno=sc.sno and course.cno=sc.cno and sno=%s',(loginingno)) | |
data = list(cursor.fetchall()) | |
textshow.insert('insert', "学号:\t\t 姓名:\t\t 班级:\t\t 课程编号:\t\t 课程名:") | |
textshow.insert('insert', "\n") | |
for i in data: | |
print(i) | |
textshow.insert('insert', '\t\t'.join(i)) | |
textshow.insert('insert', "\n") | |
except: | |
connection.rollback() | |
connection.close() | |
cursor.close | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
try: | |
cursor.execute('select sc.sno,sname,sclass,sc.cno,course.cname from student,course,sc where student.sno=sc.sno and course.cno=sc.cno and sc.sno=%s',(loginingno)) | |
data = list(cursor.fetchall()) | |
textshow.insert('insert', "学号:\t\t 姓名:\t\t 班级:\t\t 课程编号:\t\t 课程名:") | |
textshow.insert('insert', "\n") | |
for i in data: | |
print(i) | |
textshow.insert('insert', '\t\t'.join(i)) | |
textshow.insert('insert', "\n") | |
except: | |
connection.rollback() | |
connection.close() | |
cursor.close | |
def searchallcancel(): | |
textshow.delete('1.0', 'end') | |
findall = Toplevel() | |
findall.title('查询选课信息') | |
x, y = window_info(findall) | |
findall.geometry("520x295+%d+%d" % (x, y)) | |
findall['bg'] = 'dodgerblue' | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(findall, text='查询选课信息?', bg='dodgerblue') | |
labelname.place(x=5, y=20, width=100, height=20) | |
buttonshow = tkinter.Button(findall, text="确定", command=show) | |
buttonshow.place(x=5, y=50, width=50, height=20) | |
textshow = tkinter.scrolledtext.ScrolledText(findall, width=105, height=9) | |
textshow.place(x=5, y=80) | |
buttoncancel = tkinter.Button(findall, text="清空", command=searchallcancel) | |
buttoncancel.place(x=5, y=210, width=50, height=20) | |
findall.mainloop() | |
print(3) | |
indexofstudent = Toplevel() | |
indexofstudent.title('学生信息管理系统 - 学生') | |
x, y = window_info(indexofstudent) | |
indexofstudent.geometry("430x425+%d+%d" % (x, y)) | |
indexofstudent['bg'] = 'dodgerblue' | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(indexofstudent, text='欢迎使用学生信息管理系统', bg='dodgerblue', font=("楷体", 20)) | |
labelname.place(x=60, y=30, width=350, height=40) | |
buttonadd = tkinter.Button(indexofstudent, text="查询学籍信息", command=showinfor) | |
buttonadd.place(x=150, y=90, width=100, height=40) | |
buttonadd = tkinter.Button(indexofstudent, text="查询课程信息", command=findcourseinfor) | |
buttonadd.place(x=150, y=140, width=100, height=40) | |
buttonadd = tkinter.Button(indexofstudent, text="选 课", command=selectcourse) | |
buttonadd.place(x=150, y=190, width=100, height=40) | |
buttonadd = tkinter.Button(indexofstudent, text="查询选课信息", command=findselectcourseinfor) | |
buttonadd.place(x=150, y=240, width=100, height=40) | |
buttonadd = tkinter.Button(indexofstudent, text="退出系统", command=exitsys) | |
buttonadd.place(x=150, y=290, width=100, height=40) | |
indexofstudent.mainloop() | |
def login(): | |
name = entryName.get() | |
pwd = entryPwd.get() | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
cursor.execute('select * from student') | |
data = list(cursor.fetchall()) | |
print(data) | |
if data == []: | |
tkinter.messagebox.showerror(message="账号或密码错误!") | |
return 0 | |
for i in data: | |
print(i[2]) | |
print(i[4]) | |
if i[2] == name and i[4] == pwd: | |
studentindex(name) | |
student = Toplevel() | |
student.title('登录 - 学生端') | |
x, y = window_info(student) | |
student.geometry("415x295+%d+%d" % (x, y)) | |
student['bg'] = 'dodgerblue' | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(student, text='欢迎使用学生信息管理系统', bg='dodgerblue', font=("楷体", 18)) | |
labelname.place(x=60, y=30, width=300, height=40) | |
labelName = tkinter.Label(student, text="学 号:", bg='dodgerblue', width=80) | |
labelName.place(x=110, y=110, width=80, height=20) | |
labelPwd = tkinter.Label(student, text="密 码:", bg='dodgerblue', width=80) | |
labelPwd.place(x=110, y=135, width=80, height=20) | |
entryName = tkinter.Entry(student, width=80, textvariable=varLoginName) | |
entryName.place(x=210, y=110, width=80, height=20) | |
entryPwd = tkinter.Entry(student, show='*', width=80, textvariable=varLoginPwd) | |
entryPwd.place(x=210, y=135, width=80, height=20) | |
bottonOk = tkinter.Button(student, text="登录", command=login, bg='dodgerblue') | |
bottonOk.place(x=125, y=170, width=70, height=30) | |
bottonCancel = tkinter.Button(student, text='注册', command=forstudentregister, bg='dodgerblue') | |
bottonCancel.place(x=225, y=170, width=70, height=30) | |
student.mainloop() | |
root=tkinter.Tk(className='学生信息管理系统') | |
x,y=window_info(root) | |
root.geometry("415x295+%d+%d"%(x,y)) | |
root['bg']='dodgerblue' | |
varLoginName=tkinter.StringVar() | |
varLoginPwd=tkinter.StringVar() | |
labelname = tkinter.Label(root, text='欢迎使用学生信息管理系统', bg='dodgerblue', font=("楷体", 18)) | |
labelname.place(x=60, y=30, width=300, height=40) | |
bottonOk=tkinter.Button(root,text="学生登录",command=studentlogin,bg='dodgerblue') | |
bottonOk.place(x=150,y=140,width=100,height=40) | |
bottonCancel=tkinter.Button(root,text='管理员登录',command=teacherlogin,bg='dodgerblue') | |
bottonCancel.place(x=150,y=200,width=100,height=40) | |
def createdatabase(): | |
conn = pymysql.connect("localhost", "root", "root") | |
cur = conn.cursor() | |
cur.execute('create database if not exists sch') | |
def createtable(): | |
connection = conn() | |
cursor = cur(connection) | |
sqlstudent="""create table if not exists student(sname char(45) not null, | |
sage char(45), | |
sno char(45) primary key, | |
sclass char(45), | |
loginpwd char(45) | |
)engine=innodb""" | |
cursor.execute(sqlstudent) | |
sqllogin="""create table if not exists login(user char(45)primary key, | |
password char(45) not null | |
)engine=innodb""" | |
cursor.execute(sqllogin) | |
connection.commit() | |
cursor.execute("""insert into login(user,password) values('user','pwd')""") | |
connection.commit() | |
sqlteacher="""create table if not exists teacher(tno char(45) primary key, | |
tname char(45) | |
)engine=innodb""" | |
cursor.execute(sqlteacher) | |
connection.commit() | |
sqlcourse="""create table if not exists course(cno char(45) , | |
cname char(45), | |
tno char(45), | |
constraint pk_course primary key (cno,tno) | |
)engine=innodb""" | |
cursor.execute(sqlcourse) | |
connection.commit() | |
sqlsc="""create table if not exists sc(sno char(45), | |
cno char(45), | |
constraint pk_sc primary key (sno,cno) | |
)engine=innodb""" | |
cursor.execute(sqlsc) | |
connection.commit() | |
createdatabase() | |
createtable() | |
root.mainloop() |