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导读 | llhttp 是 Node.js 的 HTTP 1.1 解析器,用于替代早期的 http_parser,性能上有了非常大的提升,最近打算在 No.js 里引入 llhttp 来处理 HTTP 协议的解析,本文简单介绍一下如何使用。 |
llhttp 是 Node.js 的 HTTP 1.1 解析器,用于替代早期的 http_parser,性能上有了非常大的提升,最近打算在 No.js 里引入 llhttp 来处理 HTTP 协议的解析,本文简单介绍一下如何使用。
llhttp 项目是 Node.js 中的子项目,地址在:
1. 安装 npx:npm i npx -g
2. 执行 ts 生成 c 代码:npx ts-node bin/generate.ts,或者执行 make generate
3. 这时候 build 目录下生成了 llhttp.h 和 llhttp.c,再加上 native 下的 c 代码,就是 llhttp 的全部代码,我们可以把他复制到自己的项目中使用
下面看看如何使用。llhttp 使用回调钩子的设计思想,初始化解析器的时候,我们可以设置解析类型,是请求或响应报文,然后设置解析状态的回调,比如解析道 URL 时回调,解析到 header 时回调。接着传入报文执行 llhttp_execute 就可以,下面是解析请求报文的例子。
int on_message_begin(llhttp_t* parser){printf("parse start\n"); | |
return 0; | |
} | |
int on_url(llhttp_t* parser, const char* at, size_t length){char url[MAX_LEN]; | |
strncpy(url, at, length); | |
url[length] = '\0'; | |
printf("on_url: %s\n", url); | |
return 0; | |
} | |
int on_header_field(llhttp_t* parser, const char* at, size_t length){char header_field[MAX_LEN]; | |
strncpy(header_field, at, length); | |
header_field[length] = '\0'; | |
printf("head field: %s\n", header_field); | |
return 0; | |
} | |
int on_header_value(llhttp_t* parser, const char* at, size_t length){char header_value[MAX_LEN]; | |
strncpy(header_value, at, length); | |
header_value[length] = '\0'; | |
printf("head value: %s\n", header_value); | |
return 0; | |
} | |
int on_headers_complete(llhttp_t* parser){printf("on_headers_complete, major: %d, major: %d, keep-alive: %d, upgrade: %d\n", parser->http_major, parser->http_minor, llhttp_should_keep_alive(parser), parser->upgrade); | |
return 0; | |
} | |
int on_body(llhttp_t* parser, const char* at, size_t length){char body[MAX_LEN]; | |
strncpy(body, at, length); | |
body[length] = '\0'; | |
printf("on_body: %s\n", body); | |
return 0; | |
} | |
int on_message_complete(llhttp_t* parser){printf("on_message_complete\n"); | |
return 0; | |
} | |
int main(){ | |
llhttp_t parser; | |
llhttp_settings_t settings; | |
llhttp_settings_init(&settings); | |
llhttp_init(&parser, HTTP_REQUEST, &settings); | |
settings.on_message_begin = on_message_begin; | |
settings.on_url = on_url; | |
settings.on_header_field = on_header_field; | |
settings.on_header_value = on_header_value; | |
settings.on_headers_complete = on_headers_complete; | |
settings.on_body = on_body; | |
settings.on_message_complete = on_message_complete; | |
const char* request = "POST /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\nconnection:close\r\ncontent-length: 1\r\n\r\n1\r\n\r\n"; | |
int request_len = strlen(request); | |
enum llhttp_errno err = llhttp_execute(&parser, request, request_len); | |
if (err != HPE_OK) {fprintf(stderr, "Parse error: %s %s\n", llhttp_errno_name(err), | |
parser.reason); | |
} | |
return 0; | |
} |
int on_message_begin(llhttp_t* parser){printf("parse start\n"); | |
return 0; | |
} | |
int on_url(llhttp_t* parser, const char* at, size_t length){char url[MAX_LEN]; | |
strncpy(url, at, length); | |
url[length] = '\0'; | |
printf("on_url: %s\n", url); | |
return 0; | |
} | |
int on_status(llhttp_t* parser, const char* at, size_t length){char status[MAX_LEN]; | |
strncpy(status, at, length); | |
status[length] = '\0'; | |
printf("on_status: %s\n", status); | |
return 0; | |
} | |
int on_header_field(llhttp_t* parser, const char* at, size_t length){char header_field[MAX_LEN]; | |
strncpy(header_field, at, length); | |
header_field[length] = '\0'; | |
printf("head field: %s\n", header_field); | |
return 0; | |
} | |
int on_header_value(llhttp_t* parser, const char* at, size_t length){char header_value[MAX_LEN]; | |
strncpy(header_value, at, length); | |
header_value[length] = '\0'; | |
printf("head value: %s\n", header_value); | |
return 0; | |
} | |
int on_headers_complete(llhttp_t* parser){printf("on_headers_complete, major: %d, major: %d, keep-alive: %d, upgrade: %d\n", parser->http_major, parser->http_minor, llhttp_should_keep_alive(parser), parser->upgrade); | |
return 0; | |
} | |
int on_body(llhttp_t* parser, const char* at, size_t length){char body[MAX_LEN]; | |
strncpy(body, at, length); | |
body[length] = '\0'; | |
printf("on_body: %s\n", body); | |
return 0; | |
} | |
int on_message_complete(llhttp_t* parser){printf("on_message_complete\n"); | |
return 0; | |
} | |
int main(){ | |
llhttp_t parser; | |
llhttp_settings_t settings; | |
llhttp_settings_init(&settings); | |
llhttp_init(&parser, HTTP_RESPONSE, &settings); | |
settings.on_message_begin = on_message_begin; | |
settings.on_url = on_url; | |
settings.on_status = on_status; | |
settings.on_header_field = on_header_field; | |
settings.on_header_value = on_header_value; | |
settings.on_headers_complete = on_headers_complete; | |
settings.on_body = on_body; | |
settings.on_message_complete = on_message_complete; | |
const char* reponse = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nServer: nginx\r\ncontent-length: 11\r\n\r\nhello:world\r\n\r\n"; | |
int reponse_len = strlen(reponse); | |
enum llhttp_errno err = llhttp_execute(&parser, reponse, reponse_len); | |
if (err != HPE_OK) {fprintf(stderr, "Parse error: %s %s\n", llhttp_errno_name(err), | |
parser.reason); | |
} | |
return 0; | |
} |
llhttp 目前支持以下钩子回调。
struct llhttp_settings_s { | |
/* Possible return values 0, -1, `HPE_PAUSED` */ | |
llhttp_cb on_message_begin; | |
/* Possible return values 0, -1, HPE_USER */ | |
llhttp_data_cb on_url; | |
llhttp_data_cb on_status; | |
llhttp_data_cb on_header_field; | |
llhttp_data_cb on_header_value; | |
/* Possible return values: | |
* 0 - Proceed normally | |
* 1 - Assume that request/response has no body, and proceed to parsing the | |
* next message | |
* 2 - Assume absence of body (as above) and make `llhttp_execute()` return | |
* -1 - Error | |
* `HPE_PAUSED` | |
*/ | |
llhttp_cb on_headers_complete; | |
/* Possible return values 0, -1, HPE_USER */ | |
llhttp_data_cb on_body; | |
/* Possible return values 0, -1, `HPE_PAUSED` */ | |
llhttp_cb on_message_complete; | |
/* When on_chunk_header is called, the current chunk length is stored | |
* in parser->content_length. | |
* Possible return values 0, -1, `HPE_PAUSED` | |
*/ | |
llhttp_cb on_chunk_header; | |
llhttp_cb on_chunk_complete; | |
/* Information-only callbacks, return value is ignored */ | |
llhttp_cb on_url_complete; | |
llhttp_cb on_status_complete; | |
llhttp_cb on_header_field_complete; | |
llhttp_cb on_header_value_complete;}; |
我们也可以以静态库或动态库的方式使用 llhttp。执行 make all 就会在 build 目录下生成静态和动态库,我们把头文件 llhttp.h 和 静态库或动态库复制到自己项目里使用就可以,编译的时候加上 -lllhttp -L.。
总结:llhttp 的使用上还算比较简单清晰,如果我们项目里需要解析 HTTP 协议的话可以试试,使用 demo 可以参考 https://github.com/theanarkh/llhttp-demo。