共计 4347 个字符,预计需要花费 11 分钟才能阅读完成。
在将 heartbeat 应用到生产环境中,还是有许多要注意的地方,一不小心就可能导致 heartbeat 无法切换或脑裂的情况,下面来介绍下由于 iptables 导致脑裂的现象。
主: 心跳 ip
usvr-218 主机名
备: 心跳 ip
usvr-128 主机名
现象:当启动 heartbeat 主后,VIP 在 218 上生效;然后再启动 heartbeat 备,VIP 在 128 上也生效;此时脑裂产生,导致访问异常。
1. 查看主机和备机的日志
主机 218 日志如下(只列出部分日志):
heartbeat[27330]: 2015/01/27_09:05:29 ERROR: Message hist queue is filling up (500 messages in queue)
heartbeat[27330]: 2015/01/27_09:05:30 ERROR: Message hist queue is filling up (500 messages in queue)
heartbeat[27330]: 2015/01/27_09:05:30 ERROR: Message hist queue is filling up (500 messages in queue)
heartbeat[27330]: 2015/01/27_09:05:31 ERROR: Message hist queue is filling up (500 messages in queue)
heartbeat[27330]: 2015/01/27_09:05:32 ERROR: Message hist queue is filling up (500 messages in queue)
heartbeat[27330]: 2015/01/27_09:05:32 ERROR: Message hist queue is filling up (500 messages in queue)
heartbeat[27330]: 2015/01/27_09:05:33 WARN: node usvr-128: is dead
heartbeat[27330]: 2015/01/27_09:05:33 info: Cancelling pending standby operation
heartbeat[27330]: 2015/01/27_09:05:33 info: Dead node usvr-128 gave up resources.
heartbeat[27330]: 2015/01/27_09:05:33 info: all clients are now resumed
heartbeat[27330]: 2015/01/27_09:05:33 ERROR: lowseq cannnot be greater than ackseq
heartbeat[27330]: 2015/01/27_09:05:33 info: hist->ackseq =74575, old_ackseq=0
heartbeat[27330]: 2015/01/27_09:05:33 info: hist->lowseq =74576, hist->hiseq=74824, send_cluster_msg_level=1
heartbeat[27333]: 2015/01/27_09:05:34 CRIT: Emergency Shutdown: Master Control process died.
heartbeat[27333]: 2015/01/27_09:05:34 CRIT: Killing pid 27330 with SIGTERM
heartbeat[27333]: 2015/01/27_09:05:34 CRIT: Killing pid 27334 with SIGTERM
heartbeat[27333]: 2015/01/27_09:05:34 CRIT: Killing pid 27335 with SIGTERM
heartbeat[27333]: 2015/01/27_09:05:34 CRIT: Killing pid 27336 with SIGTERM
heartbeat[27333]: 2015/01/27_09:05:34 CRIT: Killing pid 27337 with SIGTERM
heartbeat[27333]: 2015/01/27_09:05:34 CRIT: Emergency Shutdown(MCP dead): Killing ourselves.
备机 128 日志如下(只列出部分日志):
Jan 27 10:11:35 heartbeat: [15999]: info: glib: ucast: bound receive socket to device: eth0
Jan 27 10:11:35 heartbeat: [15999]: info: glib: ucast: set SO_REUSEPORT(w)
Jan 27 10:11:35 heartbeat: [15999]: info: glib: ucast: started on port 694 interface eth0 to
Jan 27 10:11:35 heartbeat: [15999]: info: glib: ping heartbeat started.
Jan 27 10:11:35 heartbeat: [15999]: info: G_main_add_TriggerHandler: Added signal manual handler
Jan 27 10:11:35 heartbeat: [15999]: info: G_main_add_TriggerHandler: Added signal manual handler
Jan 27 10:11:35 heartbeat: [15999]: info: G_main_add_SignalHandler: Added signal handler for signal 17
Jan 27 10:11:35 heartbeat: [15999]: info: Local status now set to: ‘up’
Jan 27 10:11:35 heartbeat: [15999]: info: Link up.
Jan 27 10:11:35 heartbeat: [15999]: info: Status update for node status ping
Jan 27 10:13:35 heartbeat: [15999]: WARN: node usvr-218: is dead
Jan 27 10:13:35 heartbeat: [15999]: info: Comm_now_up(): updating status to active
Jan 27 10:13:35 heartbeat: [15999]: info: Local status now set to: ‘active’
Jan 27 10:13:35 heartbeat: [15999]: info: Starting child client “/usr/lib64/heartbeat/ipfail” (498,498)
Jan 27 10:13:35 heartbeat: [15999]: WARN: No STONITH device configured.
Jan 27 10:13:35 heartbeat: [15999]: WARN: Shared disks are not protected.
Jan 27 10:13:35 heartbeat: [15999]: info: Resources being acquired from localsv218.
正如如上显示,主备双方都检查对方的 node 死掉,从而接管 VIP,导致脑裂产生。
2. 初步断定是由于主备双方无法通讯或网络延迟导致,难道由于时间不同步导致,虽然时间不同不对 heartbeat 影响较小,但是相差很多,肯定会有问题,于是双方对时。
/usr/sbin/ntpdate ntp.api.bz&&hwclock -w
echo “0 23 * * * root /usr/sbin/ntpdate ntp.api.bz&&hwclock -w > /dev/null 2>&1” >>/etc/crontab
3. 对时完毕,仍然报日志中的错误,再次检查主备配置文件,发现都没有问题,唯一区别在于主备上都有防火墙,由于 heartbeat 设置的是由 udp 694 端口通讯,于是将 udp 694
在主 218 上加入:
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -s –dport 694 -m comment –comment “heartbeat-slave” -j ACCEPT
在备 128 上加入:
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -s –dport 694 -m comment –comment “heartbeat-master” -j ACCEPT
注意:1. 如果防火墙策略严格时,要对心跳 ip 放过,否则 udp 通讯仍会失败
2. 入口网卡针对对心跳 ip 的网卡
经过防火墙配置后,主备可以正常通讯了,正常情况下主节点接管 VIP 工作,当主节点 down 掉或主节点的 heartbeat 服务停掉,备用节点便会接管 VIP
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iptables 使用范例详解 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2014-03/99159.htm
iptables—包过滤(网络层)防火墙 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-08/88423.htm
Linux 防火墙 iptables 详细教程 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-07/87045.htm
iptables+L7+Squid 实现完善的软件防火墙 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-05/84802.htm
iptables 的备份、恢复及防火墙脚本的基本使用 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-08/88535.htm
Linux 下防火墙 iptables 用法规则详解 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2012-08/67952.htm
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