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个创建好的项目都有各式各样的构建过程,不论它是大型的 web 应用,或者小型可重用的 AMD 组建。已有一大堆的工具可帮你自动的完成构建过程,很多流行的工具例如非常抢眼的工具 grunt。

不论如何,一些项目中 grunt 工具未必就是你需要的,有时候对你而言简单的 shell 脚本会比 node.js 的工具更具有生产力。今天我将非常简洁的介绍 GNU Make 工具,以及你如何使用它来创建很爽的自动化构建几个步骤。

makefile 的概念

一个 makefile 保存了一堆很有特殊目的的 词目。正如我们相当喜爱 UNIX,现在真是时候提醒你自己:“写一些词目来做一件事儿,并且把它做好”的规则。这些词目包括:

  • 一个 目标 ,你知道make install 吗?install 就是目标。它也可能是一个文件,例如:make bundle.min.js
  • 依赖,一些由 目标 所依赖的一些可选的文件。
  • 以及最后运行的命令。

当你创建词目的时候,要尽可能的简单,同时要注意灵活性。例如,你想默认最小化一些预定义的文件,但偶尔你想配置其他的一些文件给 makefile,并且弄出这些命令。

创建灵活的 目标


$ make min index.js plugins.js
$ make min // 默认依赖 index.js

还有一种常见玩法,就是在 makefile 文件中把路径设置成变量,然后允许用户像如下的方式来覆盖:

$ make JSMIN=./bin/jsmin min

实现 min 目标

OK,那么我们开始创建一个 Makefile。
一个 目标 的格式是:

<target>: <dependencies>

As I mentioned earlier, the target can be a general name or a file, for now we’ll keep to names such as min or install. Dependencies are a space separated list of files you want to process or of other targets you want to run. Let’s create our first target.

min: index.js plugins.js
    uglify --output scripts.min.js $^

he $^ is a variable which holds a space separated list of the dependencies. It will be expanded into: uglify --output scripts.min.js index.js plugins.js.

Now this is entry is somewhat flexible as you could run make min plugins.js to replace the default dependencies and only minimize plugins.js. However, let’s refactor this into something prettier.

A web project makefile

First lets define some variables.

# ?= means the variable can be overridden from the command line like:
# make UGLIFY=./node_modules/.bin/uglify min
UGLIFY ?= uglify
OUTPUT ?= scripts.min.js
JS_FILES := index.js plugins.js

min: $(JS_FILES)
    $(UGLIFY) --output $(OUTPUT) $^

Now let’s split out the concat task so we can use it separately

UGLIFY ?= uglify
OUTPUT ?= scripts.min.js
JS_FILES := index.js plugins.js

min: $(JS_FILES)
    make concat $(JS_FILES)
    $(UGLIFY) --output $(OUTPUT) $(OUTPUT)

concat: $(JS_FILES)
    cat $^ > $(OUTPUT)

Now we’re getting somewhere, however the min task looks really ugly. Let’s put in some awesome sauce.

UGLIFY ?= uglify
OUTPUT ?= script.js
JS_FILES := index.js plugins.js

# For each file in JS_FILES, replace .js by .min.js and run it as the target
# with the original as a dependency.
# In plain English, iterate over each file and minimize as well as rename it.
min: $(JS_FILES:.js=.min.js)

# $@ is the target and $< is the dependency.
%.min.js: %.js
    $(UGLIFY) --output $@ $<

concat: $(JS_FILES)
    cat $^ > $(OUTPUT)

You better let that sink in for a bit. Next up is tying everything up in a nice bow.

UGLIFY ?= uglify
DIST ?= dist
OUTPUT ?= $(DIST)/script.js
JS_FILES := index.js plugins.js

# When you run make without a target, the first entry is the one to run,
# usually this is named `all` by convention.
all: concat min

# Rather than minifying every file, default to only minifying the final output.
min: $(OUTPUT:.js=.min.js)

# $@ is the target and $< is the dependency.
# When you put a `@` in front of a command, the stdout will be suppressed,
# making for a cleaner terminal.
%.min.js: %.js
    @$(UGLIFY) --output $@ $<

concat: $(JS_FILES)
    @cat $^ > $(OUTPUT)

# It's useful to have a cleanup task as well.
    @rm -f $(DIST)/*

# Phony targets are targets that do not accept dependencies, it's good
# practice to define this as targets might have the same name as files from time
# to time and therefore create confusion. Also it's a small performance
# improvement.
.PHONY: clean all

Alright, that’s our makefile.

How to use it

Concat and minify index.js and plugins.js into dist/script.min.js (these all do the same thing).

$ make
$ make all
$ make concat min

Specify the location of uglify

$ make UGLIFY=./node_modules/.bin/uglify

Concat some other files

$ make OUTPUT=temp.js concat js/*

Minify all files but put them in a separate directory

$ make DIST=minified min js/*

Clean up all the distribution files created

$ make clean


u-boot Makefile 完全解读 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-04/83529.htm

实验平台上 Makefile 详细的解释 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2014-01/94827.htm

Makefile 之 Linux 内核模块的 Makefile 写法分析 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-06/85842.htm

Makefile 之写 demo 时的通用 Makefile 写法 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-05/84679.htm

Makefile 之大型工程项目子目录 Makefile 的一种通用写法 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-05/84678.htm


版权声明:本站原创文章,由 星锅 于2022-01-20发表,共计3758字。