
Tomcat 7 升级到 Tomcat 8 历程


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    JDK 都要出 12 了,而我们项目使用的 jdk 却仍然还停留在 JDK1.6。为了追寻技术的发展的脚步,我这边准备将项目升级到 JDK1.8。而作为一个 web 项目,我们的容器使用的是 Tomcat。看了下 Tomcat 版本与 JDK 版本之间的兼容关系 http://tomcat.apache.org/whichversion.html 以及网上所传的各种 JDK1.8 和 Tomcat7 不兼容的问题,我决定将 Tomcat 升级到 8。我这里本地验证采用的 tomcat 版本是 8.5.38 https://tomcat.apache.org/download-80.cgi。

问题一:请求 js 文件报 404 错误

    其实这个问题严格来讲不是升级到 Tomcat8 出现的问题,而是升级到 Tomcat9 出现的问题。正好我开始尝试的是 Tomcat9,无法解决这个问题才降到 Tomcat8。所以这里一并记录下来。

    这个问题在从 Tomcat6 升级到 Tomcat7 之后也会存在,原因如下,在项目代码中对 js 的请求路径中包含了 {、} 等特殊符号:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2019-03/${ctx}/js/common/include_css.js?{'ctx':'${ctx}','easyui':'easyui'}"></script>

    前台会发现加载 js 的时候报了 404 的错误,后台报错信息如下:

Invalid character found in the request target.The valid characters are defined in RFC 7230 and RFC3986

    出现这个问题的原因是因为 Tomcat 升级之后对安全进行了升级,其中就有对请求中的特殊字符进行校验,具体校验规则参照下面的代码:


 * Read the request line. This function is meant to be used during the
 * HTTP request header parsing. Do NOT attempt to read the request body
 * using it.
 * @throws IOException If an exception occurs during the underlying socket
 * read operations, or if the given buffer is not big enough to accommodate
 * the whole line.
public boolean parseRequestLine(boolean useAvailableDataOnly)

    throws IOException {

    int start = 0;

    // Skipping blank lines

    byte chr = 0;
    do {

        // Read new bytes if needed
        if (pos >= lastValid) {if (!fill())
                throw new EOFException(sm.getString("iib.eof.error"));
        // Set the start time once we start reading data (even if it is
        // just skipping blank lines)
        if (request.getStartTime() < 0) {request.setStartTime(System.currentTimeMillis());
        chr = buf[pos++];
    } while ((chr == Constants.CR) || (chr == Constants.LF));


    // Mark the current buffer position
    start = pos;

    // Reading the method name
    // Method name is a token

    boolean space = false;

    while (!space) {

        // Read new bytes if needed
        if (pos >= lastValid) {if (!fill())
                throw new EOFException(sm.getString("iib.eof.error"));

        // Spec says method name is a token followed by a single SP but
        // also be tolerant of multiple SP and/or HT.
        if (buf[pos] == Constants.SP || buf[pos] == Constants.HT) {
            space = true;
            request.method().setBytes(buf, start, pos - start);
        } else if (!HttpParser.isToken(buf[pos])) {throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("iib.invalidmethod"));



    // Spec says single SP but also be tolerant of multiple SP and/or HT
    while (space) {
        // Read new bytes if needed
        if (pos >= lastValid) {if (!fill())
                throw new EOFException(sm.getString("iib.eof.error"));
        if (buf[pos] == Constants.SP || buf[pos] == Constants.HT) {pos++;} else {space = false;}

    // Mark the current buffer position
    start = pos;
    int end = 0;
    int questionPos = -1;

    // Reading the URI

    boolean eol = false;

    while (!space) {

        // Read new bytes if needed
        if (pos >= lastValid) {if (!fill())
                throw new EOFException(sm.getString("iib.eof.error"));

        // Spec says single SP but it also says be tolerant of HT
        if (buf[pos] == Constants.SP || buf[pos] == Constants.HT) {
            space = true;
            end = pos;
        } else if ((buf[pos] == Constants.CR)
                   || (buf[pos] == Constants.LF)) {
            // HTTP/0.9 style request
            eol = true;
            space = true;
            end = pos;
        } else if ((buf[pos] == Constants.QUESTION) && (questionPos == -1)) {questionPos = pos;} else if (HttpParser.isNotRequestTarget(buf[pos])) {throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("iib.invalidRequestTarget"));



    request.unparsedURI().setBytes(buf, start, end - start);
    if (questionPos >= 0) {request.queryString().setBytes(buf, questionPos + 1,
                                       end - questionPos - 1);
        request.requestURI().setBytes(buf, start, questionPos - start);
    } else {request.requestURI().setBytes(buf, start, end - start);

    // Spec says single SP but also says be tolerant of multiple SP and/or HT
    while (space) {
        // Read new bytes if needed
        if (pos >= lastValid) {if (!fill())
                throw new EOFException(sm.getString("iib.eof.error"));
        if (buf[pos] == Constants.SP || buf[pos] == Constants.HT) {pos++;} else {space = false;}

    // Mark the current buffer position
    start = pos;
    end = 0;

    // Reading the protocol
    // Protocol is always "HTTP/" DIGIT "." DIGIT
    while (!eol) {

        // Read new bytes if needed
        if (pos >= lastValid) {if (!fill())
                throw new EOFException(sm.getString("iib.eof.error"));

        if (buf[pos] == Constants.CR) {end = pos;} else if (buf[pos] == Constants.LF) {if (end == 0)
                end = pos;
            eol = true;
        } else if (!HttpParser.isHttpProtocol(buf[pos])) {
            // 关键点在这一句,如果校验不通过,则会报参数异常
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("iib.invalidHttpProtocol"));



    if ((end - start) > 0) {request.protocol().setBytes(buf, start, end - start);
    } else {request.protocol().setString("");

    return true;


我们进一步跟进 HttpParser 中的方法:

public static boolean isNotRequestTarget(int c) {
    // Fast for valid request target characters, slower for some incorrect
    // ones
    try {
        // 关键在于这个数组
        return IS_NOT_REQUEST_TARGET[c];
    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {return true;}

// Combination of multiple rules from RFC7230 and RFC 3986. Must be
// ASCII, no controls plus a few additional characters excluded
if (IS_CONTROL[i] || i > 127 ||
        i == '' || i =='\"'|| i =='#'|| i =='<'|| i =='>'|| i =='\\' ||
        i == '^' || i == '`'  || i == '{' || i == '|' || i == '}') {
    // 可以看到只有在 REQUEST_TARGET_ALLOW 数组中的值才不会设置成 true,所以我们需要追踪 REQUEST_TARGET_ALLOW 数组的赋值

String prop = System.getProperty("tomcat.util.http.parser.HttpParser.requestTargetAllow");
if (prop != null) {for (int i = 0; i < prop.length(); i++) {char c = prop.charAt(i);
        // 可以看到在配置文件中配置了 tomcat.util.http.parser.HttpParser.requestTargetAllow 并且包含{、}、| 的时候,REQUEST_TARGET_ALLOW 数组中的值才会为 true
        if (c == '{' || c == '}' || c == '|') {REQUEST_TARGET_ALLOW[c] = true;
        } else {

    解决办法: 其实通过源码分析不难得到解决办法

在 Tomcat 的 catalina.properties 文件中添加以下语句:


当然需要注意的是,这个 后门 在 Tomcat8.5 以后就无法使用的,Tomcat9 之后的解决办法暂时未找到,可能只有对 URL 进行编码了。

问题二:Cookie 设置报错

    这个问题就是在升级到 Tomcat8.5 以上的时候会出现的,具体原因是 Tomcat8.5 采用的 Cookie 处理类是:

Rfc6265CookieProcessor, 而在之前使用的处理类是LegacyCookieProcessor。该处理类对 domai 进行了校验:

private void validateDomain(String domain) {
    int i = 0;
    int prev = -1;
    int cur = -1;
    char[] chars = domain.toCharArray();
    while (i < chars.length) {
        prev = cur;
        cur = chars[i];
        if (!domainValid.get(cur)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("rfc6265CookieProcessor.invalidDomain", domain));
        // labels must start with a letter or number
        if ((prev == '.' || prev == -1) && (cur == '.' || cur == '-')) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("rfc6265CookieProcessor.invalidDomain", domain));
        // labels must end with a letter or number
        if (prev == '-' && cur == '.') {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("rfc6265CookieProcessor.invalidDomain", domain));
    // domain must end with a label
    if (cur == '.' || cur == '-') {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("rfc6265CookieProcessor.invalidDomain", domain));

新的 Cookie 规范对 domain 有以下要求

1、必须是 1 -9、a-z、A-Z、.、-(注意是 - 不是_)这几个字符组成
2、必须是数字或字母开头(所以以前的 cookie 的设置为.XX.com 的机制要改为 XX.com 即可)

原来的代码设置 domain 时如下:


这就导致设置 domain 的时候不符合新的规范,直接报错如下:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: An invalid domain [.aaa.com] was specified for this cookie
        at org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Rfc6265CookieProcessor.validateDomain(Rfc6265CookieProcessor.java:181)
        at org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Rfc6265CookieProcessor.generateHeader(Rfc6265CookieProcessor.java:123)
        at org.apache.catalina.connector.Response.generateCookieString(Response.java:989)
        at org.apache.catalina.connector.Response.addCookie(Response.java:937)
        at org.apache.catalina.connector.ResponseFacade.addCookie(ResponseFacade.java:386)

    解决办法(以下 3 中任意一种皆可)

  1. 修改原来代码为:

  2. 如果是 Spring-boot 环境,直接替换默认的 Cookie 处理类:

    public class LegacyCookieProcessorConfiguration {
        EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer embeddedServletContainerCustomizerLegacyCookieProcessor() {return new EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer() {
                public void customize(ConfigurableEmbeddedServletContainer factory) {if (factory instanceof TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory) {
                        TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory tomcatFactory =
                                (TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory) factory;
                        tomcatFactory.addContextCustomizers(new TomcatContextCustomizer() {
                            public void customize(Context context) {context.setCookieProcessor(new LegacyCookieProcessor());
  3. 在 Tomcat 的 context.xml 中增加如下配置,指定 Cookie 的处理类:

    <CookieProcessor className="org.apache.tomcat.util.http.LegacyCookieProcessor" /> 

更多 Tomcat 相关教程见以下内容

CentOS 6.6 下安装配置 Tomcat 环境  https://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2015-08/122234.htm
RedHat Linux 5.5 安装 JDK+Tomcat 并部署 Java 项目  https://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2015-02/113528.htm
Tomcat 权威指南(第二版)(中英高清 PDF 版 + 带书签)  https://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2015-02/113062.htm
Tomcat 安全配置与性能优化 https://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2015-02/113060.htm
Linux 下使用 Xshell 查看 Tomcat 实时日志中文乱码解决方案 https://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2015-01/112395.htm
CentOS 64-bit 下安装 JDK 和 Tomcat 并设置 Tomcat 开机启动操作步骤 https://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2015-01/111485.htm
Ubuntu 16.04 下安装 Tomcat 8.5.9  https://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2017-06/144809.htm
Tomcat 中 session 的管理机制  https://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2016-09/135072.htm

Tomcat 的详细介绍:请点这里
Tomcat 的下载地址:请点这里

版权声明:本站原创文章,由 星锅 于2022-01-21发表,共计8474字。