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下面讲述在 Linux 平台下 MongoDB 的 C 语言编程实例
假设已经安装好了 MongoDB。
1. 下载 MongoDB 的 C 语言驱动并安装
这里下载的 MongoDB 的 C 语言驱动是 mongo-c-driver-1.3.5.tar.gz。
解压后打开 mongo-c-driver-1.3.5 目录下的 README 文件,按其中讲的方法安装,如下:
# tar xzf mongo-c-driver-1.3.5.tar.gz
# cd mongo-c-driver-1.3.5
# ./configure
# make
# sudo make install
2. 启动 MongoDB
# mongod
2016-07-10T11:53:20.075+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=3071 port=27017 dbpath=/data/db 64-bit host=localhost.localdomain
2016-07-10T11:53:20.076+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] db version v3.2.7
2016-07-10T11:53:20.076+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] git version: 4249c1d2b5999ebbf1fdf3bc0e0e3b3ff5c0aaf2
3. 编写连接 MongoDB 的程序 test.c
#include <bson.h>
#include <bcon.h>
#include <mongoc.h>
main (int argc,
char *argv[])
mongoc_client_t *client;
mongoc_database_t *database;
mongoc_collection_t *collection;
bson_t *command,
bson_error_t error;
char *str;
bool retval;
* Required to initialize libmongoc’s internals
mongoc_init ();// 初始化 libmongoc 驱动
* Create a new client instance
client = mongoc_client_new (“mongodb://localhost:27017”);// 创建连接对象
* Get a handle on the database “db_name” and collection “coll_name”
database = mongoc_client_get_database (client, “db_name”);// 获取数据库
collection = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, “db_name”, “coll_name”);// 获取指定数据库和集合
* Do work. This example pings the database, prints the result as JSON and
* performs an insert
command = BCON_NEW (“ping”, BCON_INT32 (1));
retval = mongoc_client_command_simple (client, “admin”, command, NULL, &reply, &error);// 执行命令
if (!retval) {
fprintf (stderr, “%s\n”, error.message);
str = bson_as_json (&reply, NULL);
printf (“%s\n”, str);
insert = BCON_NEW (“hello”, BCON_UTF8 (“world”));// 字段为 hello,值为 world 字符串
if (!mongoc_collection_insert (collection, MONGOC_INSERT_NONE, insert, NULL, &error)) {// 插入文档
fprintf (stderr, “%s\n”, error.message);
bson_destroy (insert);
bson_destroy (&reply);
bson_destroy (command);
bson_free (str);
* Release our handles and clean up libmongoc
mongoc_collection_destroy (collection);// 释放表对象
mongoc_database_destroy (database);// 释放数据库对象
mongoc_client_destroy (client);// 释放连接对象
mongoc_cleanup ();// 释放 libmongoc 驱动
return 0;
}4. 编译 test.c
# gcc -o test test.c -I/usr/local/include/libmongoc-1.0 -I/usr/local/include/libbson-1.0/ -lmongoc-1.0 -lbson-1.0
# ls
test test.c
5. 运行 test
# ./test
{“ok” : 1}
连接 MongoDB 成功!
更多 MongoDB 相关教程见以下内容:
CentOS 编译安装 MongoDB 与 mongoDB 的 php 扩展 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2012-02/53833.htm
CentOS 6 使用 yum 安装 MongoDB 及服务器端配置 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2012-08/68196.htm
Ubuntu 13.04 下安装 MongoDB2.4.3 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-05/84227.htm
MongoDB 入门必读(概念与实战并重) http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-07/87105.htm
Ubunu 14.04 下 MongoDB 的安装指南 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2014-08/105364.htm
《MongoDB 权威指南》(MongoDB: The Definitive Guide)英文文字版[PDF] http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2012-07/66735.htm
Nagios 监控 MongoDB 分片集群服务实战 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2014-10/107826.htm
基于 CentOS 6.5 操作系统搭建 MongoDB 服务 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2014-11/108900.htm
MongoDB 的详细介绍:请点这里
MongoDB 的下载地址:请点这里