共计 1489 个字符,预计需要花费 4 分钟才能阅读完成。
数据库升级后,数据库报错 ORA-15025,数据库无法启动。
alert 日志信息:
Wed Jul22 16:26:57 2015
ORA-15025:could not open disk “/dev/12casm-diskb”
ORA-27041:unable to open file
Linux-x86_64Error: 13: Permission denied
Additionalinformation: 9
ORA-15040:diskgroup is incomplete
ORA-15040:diskgroup is incomplete
ORA-15040:diskgroup is incomplete
ORA-15040:diskgroup is incomplete
Wed Jul22 16:26:57 2015
ORA-15025:could not open disk “/dev/12casm-diskc”
ORA-27041:unable to open file
Linux-x86_64Error: 13: Permission denied
Additionalinformation: 9
Wed Jul22 16:26:57 2015
ORA-15025:could not open disk “/dev/12casm-diskd”
ORA-27041:unable to open file
Linux-x86_64Error: 13: Permission denied
Additionalinformation: 9
Wed Jul22 16:26:57 2015
ORA-15025:could not open disk “/dev/12casm-diske”
ORA-27041:unable to open file
Linux-x86_64Error: 13: Permission denied
Additionalinformation: 9
NOTE:Disk 0 in group 1 could not be opened.
WARNING:Failed to complete group 1
WARNING:group 1 is being dismounted.
WARNING:ASMB force dismounting group 1 (DATA) due to failed mount
SUCCESS:diskgroup DATA was dismounted
按理来说 asm 的磁盘文件用户和组为 grid:asmadmin,Oracle 用户是没有权限访问的,因为 oracle 不属于 asmadmin。
经研究发现,这跟 $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle 这个文件的属性有关系:
在安装 oracle soft 之后:
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle 文件属性权限为 oracle:oninstall 751(-rwxr-x–x)
在用安装 ASM 建库 (DBCA) 时:
此文件属性会自动被修改为 oracle:asmadmin6751(-rwsr-s–x)
此文件属性又被自动被修改为 oracle:oinstall751(-rwxr-x–x)
chown oracle:asmadmin $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle
chmod 6751 $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle
更多 Oracle 相关信息见Oracle 专题页面 http://www.linuxidc.com/topicnews.aspx?tid=12