
InnoDB monitor被莫名开启的问题分析


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1. 存在问题

近日发现某库错误日志里产生大量日志输出,经分析是数据库的 InnoDB 监控被莫名开启后未及时关闭引起的,影响日志记录和数据库性能。查看 innodb_status_output 和 innodb_status_output_locks 状态均为 ON。

mysql>  show variables like”innodb_status_output%”;


| Variable_name              | Value |


| innodb_status_output      | ON |

| innodb_status_output_locks| ON  |


2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

2. InnoDB 监控相关的两个参数

        InnoDB 有四种监控类型,包括 StandardMonitor、LockMonitor、TablespaceMonitor、TableMonitor,其中后面两类监控在 5.7 版本中被移除,移除后通过 information_schema 的表获取。Standard
 Monitor 监视活动事务持有的表锁、行锁,事务锁等待,线程信号量等待,文件 IO 请求,buffer
 pool 统计信息,InnoDB 主线程 purge 和 change
 buffer merge 活动;Lock
 Monitor 提供额外的锁信息。

InnoDB 的 monitor 只在需要的时候开启,它会造成性能开销,观察结束后切记关闭监控。

      StandardMonitor 开启关闭方法如下,innodb_status_output 参数就是用来控制 InnoDB 的 monitor 开启或关闭的。这种开启方法会将监控结果输出到数据目录下的 MySQL 错误日志中,每隔 15 秒产生一次输出,这也就是发现错误日志下产生大量输出的原因。

set GLOBAL innodb_status_output=ON/OFF; 

        Lock Monitor 开启关闭方法如下,注意开启前必须先开启 innodb_status_output,而关闭时只需要直接关闭 innodb_status_output_locks,如果关闭了 innodb_status_output,那么 Standard
 Monitor 也会被一同关闭。

        set GLOBALinnodb_status_output=ON;

        set GLOBAL innodb_status_output_locks=ON;

3. 安全审计日志追溯分析









 <SQLTEXT>select 1</SQLTEXT>

  <USER>XX[XX]@  [172.XX.XX.XXX]</USER>



 <IP>172.XX.XX.XXX </IP>



<NAME>A string representing
 the typeof instruction that generated the audit event, such as a command that theserver received from a client. 操作类型;

<RECORD_ID>A unique identifier
 forthe audit record. The value is composed from a sequence number and timestamp,in the format SEQ_TIMESTAMP. The sequence number is initialized to the size ofthe audit log file at the time the audit log plugin opens it and increments by1 for each record logged.
 The timestamp is a UTC value in yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss formatindicating the time when the audit log plugin opened the file. 记录 ID;

<TIMESTAMP>The date and time
 that theaudit event was generated. For example, the event corresponding to execution ofan SQL statement received from a client has a <TIMESTAMP> value occurringafter the statement finishes, not when it is received. The value has the formatyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss
 UTC (with T, no decimals). The format includes a time zonespecifier at the end. The time zone is always UTC. 语句执行完成的时间;

<COMMAND_CLASS>A string thatindicates
 the type of action performed. 操作指令类型;

<CONNECTION_ID>An unsigned integerrepresenting
 the client connection identifier. This is the same as the
CONNECTION_ID()function value within the session; 会话连接 ID;

<STATUS>An unsigned integerrepresenting
 the command status: 0 for success, nonzero if an error occurred.This is the same as the value of the

mysql_errno()C API function.0 代表成功,非 0 代表对应错误码;

<SQLTEXT>A string representing
 thetext of an SQL statement. The value can be empty. Long values may be truncated.This element appears only if the <NAME> value is Query or Execute. 执行的 SQL 语句;


理解上述参数含义后,便可从安全审计日志中 grep 对应的关键字“innodb_status_output”及其上下文日志内容,格式内容同上,再根据上述解析分析可以审计出做这个莫名操作的帐号,操作时间,操作来源 IP 地址等信息,实现异常问题的可追溯。

4. 小结

 InnoDB 的 monitor 只在需要的时候开启,观察结束后及时关闭,因为它会影响数据库性能和日志输出;


(3)更重要的事,需要注意 Audit
 Log Logging Control 以及账户权限管理控制。

本文永久更新链接地址 :http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2017-02/141113.htm

版权声明:本站原创文章,由 星锅 于2022-01-22发表,共计3243字。