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总所周知,MySQL 集群又名 ndb cluster,而 ndb 就是 network based database 的简称,数据库节点之间依靠网络来通信和保证数据分块间的一致性。今天由于机房交换机损坏,导致集群 4 个数据节点 (复制数为 2) 应用全部关闭。网络恢复后再启动遇到以下问题:
“2016-11-03 16:37:40 [ndbd] INFO — Unable to start missing node group! starting: 0000000000000002 (missing fs for: 0000000000000000)
2016-11-03 16:37:40 [ndbd] INFO — QMGR (Line: 1872) 0x00000002
2016-11-03 16:37:40 [ndbd] INFO — Error handler shutting down system
2016-11-03 16:37:40 [ndbd] INFO — Error handler shutdown completed – exiting
2016-11-03 16:37:41 [ndbd] ALERT — Node 1: Forced node shutdown completed. Occured during startphase 1. Caused by error 2353: ‘Insufficent nodes for system restart(Restart error). Temporary error, restart node’.”
网络搜索了一下,发现问题可能同提交的这个 bug 有关,链接 https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=22316。
- system restart fails as you dont start all 4 nodes fast enough…
With default setting you have 30s for allowing nodes to get in contact with each other.
最后,使用 xshell 的 To all sessions 功能发送 ndbmtd 命令,同时启动四个节点,正常恢复集群运行。