共计 5130 个字符,预计需要花费 13 分钟才能阅读完成。
MySQLcheck 使用介绍 检查、修复、优化、分析表,以下内容主要适用于 mysql 5.6,5.5 的版本可能有部分选项不可用。
- shell> mysqlcheck [options] db_name [tbl_name …]
- shell> mysqlcheck [options] –databases db_name …
- shell> mysqlcheck [options] –all-databases
比如对 mysql 库进行 mysqlcheck 操作:
- [op@sAno1y ~]$ mysqlcheck mysql -uroot -p
- Enter password:
- mysql.columns_priv OK
- mysql.db OK
- mysql.event OK
- mysql.func OK
- mysql.general_log OK
- mysql.help_category OK
- mysql.help_keyword OK
- mysql.help_relation OK
- mysql.help_topic OK
- mysql.innodb_index_stats OK
- mysql.innodb_table_stats OK
- mysql.ndb_binlog_index OK
- mysql.plugin OK
- mysql.proc OK
- mysql.procs_priv OK
- mysql.proxies_priv OK
- mysql.servers OK
- mysql.slave_master_info OK
- mysql.slave_relay_log_info OK
- mysql.slave_worker_info OK
- mysql.slow_log OK
- mysql.tables_priv OK
- mysql.time_zone OK
- mysql.time_zone_leap_second OK
- mysql.time_zone_name OK
- mysql.time_zone_transition OK
- mysql.time_zone_transition_type OK
- mysql.user OK
–analyze 选项:实际上是执行了 ANALYZE TABLE(支持 InnoDB,MyISAM,NDB)
–check 选项:实际上是执行了 CHECK TABLE(支持 InnoDB,MyISAM,ARCHIVE,CSV)
–optimize 选项:实际上执行了 OPTIMIZE TABLE(支持 InnoDB,MyISAM,ARCHIVE)
–repair 选项:实际上执行 REPAIR TABLE(支持 MyISAM,ARCHIVE,CSV)
–repair –quick 尝试快速修复
–repair 正常修复(除非快速修复失败)
–repair –force 强行修复
当然,在 mysqlcheck 时,每张表会被加上 READ LOCK。
跑 该进程时,尤其是大表,将会变得十分耗时。
且该工具必须在 mysqld 服务运行的情况下使用。
- mysql> use test;
- Database changed
- mysql> show tables;
- +––––––––––––––––+
- | Tables_in_test |
- +––––––––––––––––+
- | archive_tb |
- | blackhole_tb |
- | memory_tb |
- | mrg_myisam_tb |
- +––––––––––––––––+
- 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
然后 check 了一下,发现 blackhole 和 memory 是不被支持的,因为这两个存储引擎只存储.frm 的表定义在磁盘上。
- [op@sAno1y ~]$ mysqlcheck test -uroot -p
- Enter password:
- test.archive_tb OK
- test.blackhole_tb
- note : The storage engine for the table doesn’t support check
- test.memory_tb
- note : The storage engine for the table doesn’t support check
- test.mrg_myisam_tb OK
Format | Description | Introduced |
–all-databases | Check all tables in all databases | |
–all-in-1 | Execute a single statement for each database that names all the tables from that database | |
–analyze | Analyze the tables | |
–auto-repair | If a checked table is corrupted, automatically fix it | |
–bind-address=ip_address | Use specified network interface to connect to MySQL Server | |
–character-sets-dir=path | Directory where character sets are installed | |
–check | Check the tables for errors | |
–check-only-changed | Check only tables that have changed since the last check | |
–check-upgrade | Invoke CHECK TABLE with the FOR UPGRADE option | |
–compress | Compress all information sent between client and server | |
–databases | Process all tables in the named databases | |
–debug[=debug_options] | Write a debugging log | |
–debug-check | Print debugging information when program exits | |
–debug-info | Print debugging information, memory, and CPU statistics when program exits | |
–default-auth=plugin | Authentication plugin to use | 5.6.2 |
–default-character-set=charset_name | Specify default character set | |
–defaults-extra-file=file_name | Read option file in addition to usual option files | |
–defaults-file=file_name | Read only named option file | |
–defaults-group-suffix=str | Option group suffix value | |
–extended | Check and repair tables | |
–fast | Check only tables that have not been closed properly | |
–fix-db-names | Convert database names to 5.1 format | |
–fix-table-names | Convert table names to 5.1 format | |
–force | Continue even if an SQL error occurs | |
–help | Display help message and exit | |
–host=host_name | Connect to MySQL server on given host | |
–login-path=name | Read login path options from .mylogin.cnf | 5.6.6 |
–medium-check | Do a check that is faster than an –extended operation | |
–no-defaults | Read no option files | |
–optimize | Optimize the tables | |
–password[=password] | Password to use when connecting to server | |
–pipe | On Windows, connect to server using named pipe | |
–plugin-dir=path | Directory where plugins are installed | 5.6.2 |
–port=port_num | TCP/IP port number to use for connection | |
–print-defaults | Print defaults | |
–protocol=type | Connection protocol to use | |
–quick | The fastest method of checking | |
–repair | Perform a repair that can fix almost anything except unique keys that are not unique | |
–secure-auth | Do not send passwords to the server in old (pre-4.1.1) format | 5.6.17 |
–shared-memory-base-name=name | The name of shared memory to use for shared-memory connections | |
–silent | Silent mode | |
–skip-database=db_name | Omit this database from performed operations | 5.6.11 |
–socket=path | For connections to localhost, the Unix socket file to use | |
–ssl | Enable SSL for connection | |
–ssl-ca=file_name | Path of file that contains list of trusted SSL CAs | |
–ssl-capath=dir_name | Path of directory that contains trusted SSL CA certificates in PEM format | |
–ssl-cert=file_name | Path of file that contains X509 certificate in PEM format | |
–ssl-cipher=cipher_list | List of permitted ciphers to use for SSL encryption | |
–ssl-crl=file_name | Path of file that contains certificate revocation lists | 5.6.3 |
–ssl-crlpath=dir_name | Path of directory that contains certificate revocation list files | 5.6.3 |
–ssl-key=file_name | Path of file that contains X509 key in PEM format | |
–ssl-verify-server-cert | Verify server Common Name value in its certificate against host name used when connecting to server | |
–tables | Overrides the –databases or -B option | |
–use-frm | For repair operations on MyISAM tables | |
–user=user_name, | MySQL user name to use when connecting to server | |
–verbose | Verbose mode | |
–version | Display version information and exit | |
–write-binlog | Log ANALYZE, OPTIMIZE, REPAIR statements to binary log. –skip-write-binlog adds NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG to these statements. |